Parallel computation models Taxonomy: SIMD MIMD Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD) Communication Models Shared variable communication Shared Memory: PRAM Mode Message passing communication Systolic Array: Regularly connected, special hardware for specific problem. Input is pipelined one by one and synchronized with clock. Interconnection networks Bus, crossbar, tree, Multistage networks, Hypercube, DeBruin's Graph, Cube Connected Cycles Convergence: Logically shared memory, physically interconnection network
Timing Issues Synchronous: Asynchronous (no central clock) Every step is synchronized (central clock) execution results predictable PRAM is a special case Asynchronous (no central clock) execution results : unpredictable example: distributed algorithms Partially Synchronous BSP: Bulk Synchronous Programming LogP model: Latency, Overhead, Gap, and P
LogP Model(Karp93) L: upperbound on the latency incurred in sending a message of a word o: overhead, the length of time that a PE is engaged in the transmission of each message; during this time, the PE cannot perform other operations. g: gap, minimum time interval between consecutive message transmissionor reception. 1/g is per PE communication bandwidth. P: the number of PE/memory modules. Length W messgae: time to reach o+gW+L process the reception: o+gW Network has a finite capacity, at most L/g messages can be in transit from one PE to any other PE. Example of braodcasting 1 to n: PRAM Concurrent Read Model: d unit of time, where d is delay of memory access PRAM Exclusive Read Model: O(d*log_2 n) time LogP Model: O(d*log_d n) time, d=L+o+g
CRCW model variations Same Value (if multiple PE attempt to write, their value should be the same) Priority (highest priority) Random (any can be written)
Example of Shared Memory Algorithm Adding n numbers Max of n numbers O(n) O(logn) O(1) algorithm (CRCW) 1. initially r[i] = 0, 1<= i <= n 2. for all i,j PE[i,j] read a[i] and a[j] 3. for all i,j PE[i,j] set r[i] = 1 if a[i] < a[j] 4. for all i, PE[i] do {if r[i] = 0 them max=a[i]} Applications: Boolean matrix multiplication O(1) time using O(n3) PEs
Work optimal maximum N data, P PEs partition N data so that each PE has N/P data items. find max of each partition find the maximum among PEs.
Simulation of CRCW model using EREW Theorem: each step of Priority CRCW can be simulated by EREW PRAM in O(log p) steps. Proof: Each CRCW step can be simulated by a tournament (of EREW) in O(logn) time.