Goals United States Stop the spread of communism Vietnam Independence- to be free of foreign/ imperial influence
Plans Send advisors/ escalate Limited War Expand to other countries No nucs Air War Operation Rolling Thunder Operation Niagara Defoliants/ Agent Orange Ground War Search and Destroy Pacification Expand to other countries Laos and Cambodia- ‘69 Jungle Warfare: Guerilla Warfare Maintain the Ho Chi Minh Trail Don’t Lose!
Generals United States General William Westmoreland Vietnam (no central leadership)
Problems Unpopular in the US Opposition to draft Deferments burn draft cards Deferments Lack of allies Unsure of the enemy Limited military results Little experience/ technology/ supplies Refugees
Experiences and Opposition
1968- Tet Offensive Event: Results: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
1969- My Lai Massacre Event: Outcome of Court Martial: Results:
Election of 1968 Main issues: Problems in Chicago: Outcome and Results:
End of Vietnam Nixon Doctrine: 1971- Pentagon Papers: 1973- Cease Fire: 1975- Fall of Saigon:
Fall of Saigon 1975
Results- The D’s Death Destruction Debt Disillusionment The Wall- Destruction Debt Disillusionment War Powers Act: