Granuloma by Toxocara Canis Hospital Universitario de Canarias. Tenerife. Granuloma by Toxocara Canis UVEITIS SECTION ROCHA CABRERA P, LOSADA CASTILLO MJ, RODRIGUEZ LOZANO B, LOZANO LÓPEZ V, ALEMÁN VALLS R , SERRANO GARCÍA MA
Case report 1 Child 4 years Progressive leukocoria rigth eye. VA. RE HM LE 1.0 IOP 12 mm Hg bilateral. Opacification anterior vitreous and papilo-lens band with vitreous organization vitrectomy+ phacoemulsification + IOL ELISA positive Toxocara canis H.Vitreous.
Case report 1 Uveitic activity New vitrectomy and therapeutic queratectomy. Now = AV 0.05 without uveitic activity, with subfoveal chronic serous detachment.
Case report 2 Female 51. Posterior uveitis LE in 2010. Visual acuity: RE 0.8, LE 0.5 BMC: Pterygium nasal and pigment deposits in anterior crystalloid L.E. Without activity.
Showed serological Ig G/Ig M positive Toxocara canis 2010 Nasal peripheral chorioretinal granuloma without uveitic activity L.E. R.E. Showed serological Ig G/Ig M positive Toxocara canis 2010
Serological Ig G positive Toxocara canis Case report 3 Male 8 y.o Leukocoria LE. Tractional retinal detachment in LE. VA RE 1.2 and LE 0.05 Serological Ig G positive Toxocara canis In LE granuloma it can be seen that part of optic nerve and fibrous tissue
Conclusions Always suspect ocular toxocariasis in the pediatric patients with leukocoria and history of contact with animals. Differential diagnosis, such as retinoblastoma, persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous, Coast's disease, retinopathy of prematurity, congenital cataract, etc. Early diagnosis of the disease can lead to an improvement in visual and prognosis of these patients. Disclosure of hygienic measures is the best prophylaxis.