LIME CL Model Updated 2016-09-18
Comments & Issues #1 Not cover performance monitor. #2 A single document or two documents (one for config, one for retrieve methods) Pros: Frank, Mahesh, Srihari, Huub, etc. Cons: None. #3 Relationship with topology model. #4 Tp-tools should be ro (read-only). #5 Should remove MPLS-TP and L3VPN, since they are connection oriented technologies. #6 Applicability. #7 Relationship with other models.
Solutions & Proposals #1 PM function can in a stand alone document. It can augment the base module, like Trill OAM & Trill PM. #2 Can break the draft into two (config & retrieve methods), wait for the decision from the WG. #3 Have added some descriptions to explain the relationship with topo model, and reference “draft-ietf-i2rs-yang-network-topo”. √ (Done) #4 The "tools" have be modified to "ro" (read only). √ (Done) #5 The "tools-mpls-tp" and "l3vpn case" attributes have be removed. √ (Done) #6 Add an applicability section. #7 TBD. (Ps: red check means already adopted in least version)
Applicability Model Extension Methods Advantage and disadvantage Augment CL base model Schema mount Advantage and disadvantage CL base model augment CL base model Schema mount New attribute Technology specific model Technology specific models like bfd single-hop model, bfd Multi-hop model, etc. New attribute Technology specific details Technology specific model New attribute Fig 1. Augment method Fig 2. schema mount method Pro Con Augment base model Supported by YANG 1.0 and YANG 1.1, mature N/A Schema mount Allow one model to be inserted into another model Premature, It doesn’t support specific module be mounted under a mount point yet in the current version.