Developing your personal Education & Career Action Plan
Clubs Activities Interests Readin g Service work
Ideally, these two things, what you want to do for your job and the things you like to do, will be the same. Today, you will be taking an assessment that will identify your interests and will give you some occupation ideas that correspond to your likes and dislikes.
You will be logging into an online education and career planning system called Kuder Navigator designed for high schools. This is a part of an Arizona program called ECAP, which stands for Education & Career Action Plan. Today is the first step of a program you will be using over the next four years of your high school career. You will be able to use this program for the rest of their lives for FREE. Today you will be registering with the program, logging in, and taking an interest assessment called Career Interests. After you have completed the assessment you will have a ranking of different career pathways (groups of occupations organized by similarity) based on your interests. The Guidance Counselors will go over this with you soon.
Login: S followed by your Synergy Student Number Example: S Password: Pwd followed by your birthday (MMDDYYYY) (note the capital P as well). Example: John Padre has a birthday of July 3, 1991 has a default password of Pwd You will be required to change your initial password on first login to the system.
The first step in the education and career planning process is learning about yourself.