WMA Architecture Federation and Integration Project WG Meeting February 5, 2014 (Draft) Bill Piazza Architecture Federation Branch Chief JS J6 / DD C5I william.f.piazza2.civ@mail.mil
Agenda WMAAFIP Portal Update JIE Support Status DoD CIO CM Standards Admin/Dashboards AV-1/AV-2 Import NIEM Implementation Status DMDC Services/Accessibility Control to Projects CRM Import and Management Planned schedule for WMA Architecture Development Standards Portal Training Partner Status Updates AF Migration Status
JIE Support Status Maintain 2 Areas on the Portal to support JIE JIE (RA’s, EA’s ICD, CONOPS, and overview architectures) JTSO (solution architecture content developed by the 15+ IDTS) 128 JIE Architecture projects Handled over 2500 architecture products and related documentation artifacts Currently about 1200 distinct artifacts hosted Over 4000 users regularly accessing JIE content Provide Admin Training and Support Provide overarching “Portal” CM of content
CIO CM Standards Compliance DoD CIO Arch CM Standards approved by EASB in 9/2014. Portal design and workflow fully supports. Portal CM reviews to ensure compliance Recently architecture developers are drifting away from DoD CIO approved CM standards. Need to maintain the balance of expedited processing while still meeting CM requirements Change Logs not included with new versions/revisions Inconsistent version numbering (version management) Improper labeling on architecture views Effective immediately, Portal CM will provide report to Portal Project Manager and Area Manager for any compliance issues Starting March 15th, 2015, we will begin rejecting content not in compliance with the DoD CIO CM standards until corrections are made and the architectures are compliant.
CM Standards Compliance (cont) Organizations developing content that falls under the applicability of DoD CIO CM plan and content will be posted to the WMA-AFIP portal: Content needs to be in compliance before we will approve the content for hosting on the portal. EASB/DoD CIO, as approver for the CM Standards could waiver compliance requirements. Content that falls under applicability up for review/approval that is not hosted on our portal, we will note non-compliance as part of the review process (as the J6). Architectures that do not fall under the applicability would not be affected.....
Admin Update/Dashboards
Dashboard (2)
Approval Workflow Process There are three types of Architecture Status: Approval Process Status Version Status CM Status Each area can now specify the Approval Process workflow for their respective area Dashboard can be customized to show any of the architecture status types
AV-1/AV-2 Import Capability Currently provide the capability to import AV-1 and AV-2 data from the provided Excel template Working on the following updates: Automatically create project on portal with import of AV-1 Parse from normal word document AV-1 template Full text search of flat files is now enabled Means content in various file types is discoverable without extracting data Does not replace structured data, but allows better discoverability of unstructured information Testing in staging
NIEM Implementation Status Accompanied DSD NIEM POC to Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI)--GTRI Team provided: NIEM/Military Operations Domain (MilOps) overview/history Hands on training of NIEM.gov website Discussed Information Exchange Package Development (IEPD) process Briefly covered NIEM Tool Catalog Highlighted Schema Subset Generation Tool (SSGT) Discussed establishing a battle rhythm AID Developers complete recommended NIEM Training modules Hold virtual Technical Exchange Meetings (TEMs), frequency TBD Start building NIEM compliant XML schema
DMDC Service Implementation DMDC services provide user authentication with a greater level of fidelity than just CAC attributes Is key to next phase of access control management on the portal Current status MOU with DMDC signed Test service is enabled Working code design
CRM Import and Management CRMs have become an inherent part of the architecture review process Currently some CRMs are loaded with respective architectures on portal Need a better way to manage CRMS as part of the architecture change management process Working on process to be able to import standardized CRM template Allows for automated sorting of comments Allows for online management of CRM’s
WMA Arch Dev Standards 2.0 Currently updating document as we implement views into portal and identify issues New version will include XML schemas and sections on best practices for COTS tool compliance Working with Army for Army Architecture Data Standard alignment Will be implementing compliance checking into portal business rules Schedule: Planned for April 2015 JSAP Review May 2015 Comment Adjudication June 2015 Signature
Portal Content Management Training Schedule: Area Manager training: 17 Feb 0900-1100 Area CM training: 17 Feb 1230-1330 Project Manager training: 19 Feb 0830-1130 Future Portal User Training planned, but no date set Focus of this training in content management and use of new admin pages
Air Force WMA Portal Efforts AFEA 3.7 and the WMA Portal Currently reviewing the WMA Architecture Standards and evaluating the impact and ROI of imposing them on solution architectures Developing processes to push AFEA 3.7 and data files to the portal Developing the architecture review process requirements for future WMA portal functionality Evaluating the current functionality of the portal against AF needed functionality Reviewing reports that can be created based on WMA Architecture Standards
US(M) EA Efforts Opportunity: Address approved AF EAE Phase 2 prototype effort to assess architecture Discovery capability of J6 WMA AFIP Desired Outcomes: Develop Use Cases & Scenarios for the discovery of architecture information Pilot one or more Use Cases to demonstrate the Discovery capability of J6 WMA AFIP Develop Test Scripts for the evaluation of J6 WMA AFIP’s ability to execute the Use Cases Deliverables: Use Cases and Scenarios Test Scripts with documented Test Results Out Brief of Results and Recommendations to EAE WG, SAF/US(M), ESWG
Links WMA-AFIP NIPR Production Portal WMA-AFIP SIPR Portal https://wmaafip.csd.disa.mil WMA-AFIP SIPR Portal https://wmaafip.csd.disa.smil.mil WMA-AFIP User Guide https://wmaafip.csd.disa.mil/UserGuide/WMA-AFIP_User_Guide.htm Community Forge Used for group collaboration https://community.forge.mil//group/joint-architecture-federation-and-integration