Corrections reform in ontario January 24, 2018 Moderator: Trevor Tymchuk , P-HSJCC CKE Chair
HSJCC Webinar We will have a Q&A period at the end of our webinar. To ask a question, please type your question in the chat box. Power-point presentation will be emailed to you following the webinar. Please complete the brief evaluation survey following the webinar. Trevor
PRESENTER Howard Sapers, Independent Advisor on Corrections Reform Trevor
Corrections Reform in Ontario Howard Sapers Independent Advisor on Corrections Reform Human Services and Justice Coordinating Committee Webinar January 24, 2018
Adam Capay “[I]t’s extremely disturbing… It shouldn’t have happened. It’s unacceptable. The status quo is unacceptable…” Kathleen Wynne Premier of Ontario October 31, 2016 Thunder Bay Jail Male Segregation Cell
Ontario Context
INDEPENDENT REVIEW OF ONTARIO CORRECTIONS “I have ordered this independent review to help build on the important work already underway to address issues with respect to the use of segregation in our adult correctional facilities. We are working to bring some immediate support to inmates currently housed in segregation by continuing to work with Ontario’s correctional staff to implement these important changes while this review is underway. These changes are also a critical step in our broader strategy to transform our province’s correctional services, and we will ensure that the safety and well-being of inmates and staff remain our top priority.” Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services David Orazietti, October 17, 2016
What is Segregation in Ontario? There is no legislated definition Regulation 778 authorizes the use of segregation There are two official types of segregation in Ontario: Close Confinement Administrative Segregation
ADMISSIONS TO SEGREGATION BY REASON, 2016 “Multiple reasons provided” refers to inmates who were admitted and/or continuously held in segregation for multiple reasons.
Average Daily Counts of Adults in Custody and Segregation in Ontario 2007-2016
Mental Health and Suicide Risk Alerts in Individuals Admitted to Segregation by Gender (2016)
Segregation Report: Key Findings Law and Policy Definition of Segregation and Conditions of Confinement Inappropriate Use of Segregation Mental Health and Segregation Segregation Reviews and Accountability Mechanisms Segregation Data and Analysis Training and Deployment Aging Infrastructure Segregation Yard, South West Detention Centre
Segregation in Ontario 63 recommendations covering a range of issues, including: The need for a new Legal and Policy Framework Improved procedural safeguards, transparency and oversight Elimination of indefinite segregation Definition of Segregation and Conditions of Confinement Segregation placement restrictions for mentally ill and other vulnerable populations Enhancing respect for human rights within corrections Staffing, infrastructure and information management.
Correctional practices in Ontario Corrections is a human rights enterprise that must be evidence based, principle driven and embrace oversight and accountability. Operational decisions must be infused with the values of respect, dignity, and legality.
Directions for Reform: Key Findings Law and Policy Lack of appropriate programs and services for those in custody Definition of death in custody Security classifications Lack of institutional and community-based programs Limited use of reintegration programs and services including discharge planning and gradual release Over-representation of Indigenous people and a lack of specialized programming and supports Inability to meet the complex health needs of the custodial population
Corrections in Ontario 62 recommendations covering a range of issues, including: The need for a principled and rights-based approach to all correctional operations; Enhanced evidence-based correctional practice; The need to bring the management of pre-trial and immigration detainees in line with their legal status; Addressing the over-representation of Indigenous people in Ontario’s correctional system; and The need for a new governance and service delivery framework for correctional health care.
Correctional Services Action to Date “I want to thank Mr. Sapers for his thorough report. He has recognized, as I do, both the challenges we face and the important work the ministry is undertaking to transform our correctional system. The province accepts the findings of the report and will address each of its recommendations. His report will help us as we continue our reform of Ontario’s correctional services.” — Marie-France Lalonde, Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services
“It is said that no one truly knows a nation until one has been inside its jails. A nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but its lowest ones.” Nelson Mandela For more information please contact us at
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