Mrs Dominguez and Mrs Haberfield PPA cover: Mr O’Neill Ms Bell Welcome to Year 2 Mrs Dominguez and Mrs Haberfield PPA cover: Mr O’Neill Ms Bell
Transition Period Getting to know each other again Getting used to the routine, embedding this Assessments = lots of revision from year 1 Groupings will change Getting used to the expectations – mine and year 2s
Behaviour for Learning Showing an interest in their learning Increase independency skills Using lots of skills before asking me! (peers, walls, dictionaries etc)
Goal setting! Involved in own learning and goal setting Goal setting folders Spellings Weekly reflections Self assessments Responsible for their green comments
rewards Shooting star = stickers = raffle tickets House points Work of the week Barnaby bear Table of the week Marble in the jar (noiseometer!) Stickers Praise Reading goals
Warnings Time out Time out of class Sent to Miss Howard Sent to Mr McNicholas Miss some play time (complete work)
Important days Wednesday – P.E - homework due in Friday – P.E - Library time - spelling test - homework set
Reading days Monday – Tuesday – Wednesday – Thursday – Friday -
Homework Alternate weeks Literacy and Maths, n ow separate exercise books Every other Wednesday Topic/R.E homework will be set. RE homework to be based on the Wednesday word. Weekly spellings Daily reading Any extra support I think the children need (year 1 common exception words)
Attendance and Punctuality Weekly attendance Attendance Bear Our attendance chart
Authorised Adults
What we are learning Maths No Problem Curriculum Planners What we are learning Maths No Problem
Homework every Friday Photos Key information And lots more! Website Homework every Friday Photos Key information And lots more!
If in doubt…come and see me! Grab me on the door if it’s a quick! Call the office to arrange a meeting.