Learning through play…. What are the benefits? Ask for ideas… 1
Play – children’s work Cognitive development: creativity abstract thinking imagination problem-solving social cognition, empathy, perspective-taking mastering new concepts Language development: communication skills vocabulary story telling emergent literacy Affective development: self-confidence self-esteem anxiety reduction Physical development: gross motor experiences fine motor experiences physical challenges self-help skills Social development: cooperation sharing turn-taking conflict resolution leadership skill development (control of impulses and aggressive behaviour) Attentional development: attention regulation concentration persistence 2
Mental Maths Counting aloud Understanding the concepts more or less Understanding the concept of zero Displaying numbers in different ways Simple addition and subtraction
Focused Teaching Short inputs to whole class or to groups. Numeracy can be taught through stories and rhyme: Move towards the more structured side of school. More of the adults agenda. Visual Timetable up in classroom so children know what is happening in the day. All P1 classes plan together. May not do things on exactly the same day in the week, but e.g same maths will be taught Short inputs no more than 10 mins. Throughout every aspect of learning we involve children in what they want to learn, how to do this and reviewing what they have learned e.g. discussions, mind mapping. Reflect on learning and on progress as a class and as an individual. Learning profiles being reviewed – will be looking for feedback and input at parents evening so please keep a look out. 4
E Books ….
Associating number with a quantity
Number sequencing……
5 and 10 frames
Addition and Subtraction 14
Rekenrek 16
Key Skills… Concept of zero Associating number with quantities Subitising Order of number Grouping and sharing A whole and parts Concept of patterns in number Early work on addition and subtraction – LOTS of mental calculations and talking about number Areas such as shape, time, money and data will be explored but big emphasis on basic number skills at this stage. Indoors, outdoors, links to ICT Lots of reinforcement through play Numbers all around Throughout maths and language activities will start getting the children used to what they are learning about (learning intention) and why. Targets will be set and used within the lesson – orally at first but may be written in jotters or on worksheets. 18