Teaching, Learning and Assessment January 2017 @tim_jumpclarke timjumpclarke.wordpress.com
Teaching and Learning What has changed in your practice, or your school’s policy since September 2014? Please discuss on your tables and write bullet points on one half of your sugar paper.
Teaching and Learning What has stayed the same in your practice, or your school’s policy since September 2014? Please discuss on your tables and write bullet points on one half of your sugar paper.
Process Research Principles and Aims Visiting classes Coaching Pupil Voice Groups Teaching for Learning Foundations
Research John Hattie and David Yates – “The Science of how we learn” An ACTIVIATOR: reciprocal teaching, feedback, teaching students self-verbalisation, meta-cognition strategies, mastery learning, goals – challenging Great feedback provides a map – it is a mode of processing but also motivating and ensuring that a knowledge gap is bridgeable and does now become a chasm Being a thinker requires an effort that moves us beyond our natural state. It depends on being exposed to information and then being expertly guided to assimilating and using that information Expert teachers can empathise deeply with their students and maintain rich social relationships In order to learn, children need to actively participating in the process They engage, challenge and intrigue students without boring or overwhelming them Expert teachers allow students to think about a problem before offering a solution Expert teachers set worthwhile challenges quickly moving students on from surface to deep learning ‘High quality teaching cannot be seen as a mechanical exercise. Instead, it hinges on developing a relationship with a group of young human beings who have come to trust and respect the goals their teacher has set for them.’
Intelligence is static / fixed Research Carol Dweck: GROWTH MINDSET Fixed mindset Growth Mindset Intelligence is static / fixed Intelligence can be developed / expanded Safe learning Failure / mistakes bad Fragile Avoid challenges Give up easily when presented with obstacles See effort as fruitless Ignore useful feedback Be threatened by others’ success Adventurous learning Failure / mistakes useful Resilient Embrace challenges Persevere despite obstacles See effort as a path to mastery Learn from feedback Be inspired by others’ success
Research Sutton Trust (now EEF) Pupil know their targets and how to improve through effective feedback. They apply these regularly in all subjects High expectations (of teacher and pupils) for all pupils Pupils are given time and actively encouraged to reflect on their thinking and learning Pupils learning from and with each other – through discussion and collaborative learning Early intervention – when specific gaps / barriers are identified, resources are found to give extra individual or group support Ensure basic skills are practiced and applied regularly to develop mastery
Research A STUDY OF OUTSTANDING PRIMARY SCHOOLS Matthews, Rea, Hill & Gu July 2014 Please read the handout provided. Highlight 5 points which are significant for you. Share 3 of these with people on your table Choose one as a table to share with the whole group
Principles We aim to help our children develop a genuine and deep Love for learning and personal growth. Staff show Love through their passion and professional commitment for teaching and the children’s learning and progress. We show Forgiveness in the way we learn from mistakes and Hope through the high expectations we have for every child and the way we strive for the best for all children. Learners are active and increasingly empowered partners in their learning journey. Staff are activators of learning and promote a “Growth Mindset”. Rich engaging learning experiences challenge all learners and relevant contexts make learning meaningful for them. Mastery and fluency of key knowledge, understanding and skills is balanced with opportunities to deepen and enrich their thinking.
Aims All learners (and groups) achieve End of Year Expectations. All learners (and groups) make sustained progress and develop depth of understanding. All learners are empowered partners in their learning to grow as people who are: confident, responsible, empathetic, resilient, reflective, open-minded, fulfilled and happy.
Visiting classes Coaching Observing each other Team planning and teaching Visiting and observing Teaching & Learning in other schools Teaching students Coaching With Headteacher: pre-lesson conversations, developmental observations, post-lesson conversations T&L coach: discussions, observations, feedback, team planning, setting personal goals… Coaching Learning Study (handout available)
Pupil Voice Groups What makes a great learner? try their best don’t give up are keen work hard listen well practise are patient ask for help let others join in have a positive attitude make mistakes read learn from others explain their learning concentrate reflect ask questions are motivated solve problems are imaginative try hard things are determined take time enjoy learning keep learning search for clues are confident take risks learn together use old learning get excited learn practically set challenges take time to think research play Which would be your Top Three?
Teaching For Learning Foundations 1. Learning Aim Succinct & precise. Provides clarity for adults about learning not merely task. Shared & discussed so learners have clarity about what they are learning and why.
2. Success Criteria Specific & precise guidance for learners. Shared, discussed & sometimes created with learners. Learners clear about the specifics of how to be successful.
3. Challenge all Challenge may be to master knowledge & understanding. Challenge may be to deepen understanding (application, analysis…) Pitch learning in their ‘stretch zone’.
4. Continuous Diagnostic Assessment Ongoing throughout sessions. Designed to gain insight into learner’s thinking & understanding. Diagnose errors, gaps, misconceptions, barriers & address.
5. Mastery approach Mastery: Ensure all learners securely know / understand & can demonstrate fluency in the fundamentals of the LA. Deliberate / corrective practice (with variety). Consolidation & reinforcement. Enrichment: More open-ended, deeper challenges to apply, analyse… SOLO poster
6. Feedback (Feedforward) Specific, precise verbal feedback used regularly in every session. Specific, precise feedback using Great Green and Think Pink. Thinking & Improvement Time. Learners must be given time to respond & show impact.
7. Questions / Learning Journey prompts Support & guide those struggling for Mastery (knowledge & understanding). Enhance, challenge, enrich, deepen thinking & learning. Packing / Going On / Unpacking: learners think about their thinking / reflect on their learning.
Learning Journey Prompts PACKING for a Learning Journey What are we going to learn today? What interests you? Why is it important? What skills do you have that might be helpful? Have you learnt anything similar before? What might be a challenge for you? What questions might you ask? What might you need to help you today? GOING ON a Learning Journey What have you been thinking about? How does this link to what you have learnt before? How do you feel? What success have you had? How do you know? What challenges / barriers have you found? How might you check your work? What questions might you ask? What strategies / advice have you used? How have you been involved? How have you worked with others? What choices have you made? What are you going to do differently now? What should you do to develop your learning / further your thinking? What do you want to find out more about? UNPACKING from a Learning Journey What 3 things have you learnt? What did you learn that you didn’t know before? How have your ideas / opinions changed? What was important about this learning for you? How have you challenged yourself? How were you successful today? How do you know? What could have made this session better for your learning? What do you need to develop this learning? What have you learnt that you could use elsewhere? How will you use what you have learnt? What have you learnt that you could share with someone else?
8. Engaged & purposeful Learners engaged in activity / context. Relevant & meaningful to their learning journey (and their interests & lives where possible).
9. Prompts / scaffolds Prompts: in session responsive to learners. Direct teaching, questions, guidance Scaffolds pre-prepared sources of support or guidance. WAGOLL: What a good one looks like.
10. Precise interactive inputs Information & instructions shared succinctly & with clarity. Learners cognitively active & contribute their ideas, thinking & questions.
11. Discuss & reflect Opportunities in every session for learners to discuss. Develop fluency, clarity, coherence & reasoning.
12. Learning Walls Display key info, words, diagrams, models. Display scaffolds & WAGOLLs. Adult & learner generated. Adult promoted. Actively & independently used by learners
13. Regular drips Ensure mastery of basic knowledge & understanding Maths ‘Learn Its’, reading/phonics, spelling, handwriting as morning / afternoon registration challenges.
Tea and coffee break
Assessment What has changed in your practice, or your school’s policy since September 2014? Please discuss on your tables and write bullet points on one half of your sugar paper.
Assessment What has stayed the same in your practice, or your school’s policy since September 2014? Please discuss on your tables and write bullet points on one half of your sugar paper.
Continuous Diagnostic Assessment (CDA) Ongoing throughout sessions Designed to gain insight into learner’s thinking & understanding Diagnose errors, gaps, misconceptions, barriers & address Learners provide feedback to adults through what they say and do All adults are involved in a CDA. This will inform in session learning, flexible groupings and future planning, by giving an insight into learners thinking and understanding
Feedback policy Every lesson (or sequence) will have a Learning Aim (LA) or a Learning Question (LQ) which will be shared with the children (though not always at the beginning of a session) (in an age appropriate form) Every lesson (or sequence) will have Success Criteria which will be discussed with or generated with the children (in an age appropriate form) Learners will reflect on how they feel they achieved / progressed in a lesson by colouring a small self-assessment green / orange / red dot next to the LA, LQ or SC. Or by placing their work in a green / orange / red tray Staff highlight green a LA, LQ or elements of SC to show that Aim, Question or Criteria has been met. The children need to be reminded that this means “well done!” Staff do not need to write a comment about this as well The following code letters (circled) are to be used to show: S for supported I for independent and D for discussed “Great Green” underlining / highlighting elements that show evidence of LA / Success Criteria being met “Think Pink” underlining / highlighting specific elements that could be improved. This can be explained next to a next step symbol, unless a LA, LQ or elements of SC have already been highlighted pink The majority of “Great Green” and “Think Pink” highlighting should occur during lesson time with learners Any Next Step comments (linked to Think Pinks) should be brief bullet points. A challenge (e.g. specific question) / future target could be shared if LA and Success Criteria has been fully met Learners must have “Thinking and Improvement Time” to improve their work based on next step comments, Think Pinks or Challenge Questions
Assessment Journeys In Reading, writing and maths the school has developed their own Assessment Journeys. These identify the National Curriculum objectives for each subject in each year. The NAHT Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are identified in red font. The Hampshire Phase Model is also identified. A class of pupils can be filtered by: gender, SEN, EAL, and Disadvantaged. It is imperative that class teachers and the headteacher are mindful throughout the year of the achievement and progress of all identified groups of pupils. The teachers will assess the pupils throughout the year and input either a 1, 2 or 3 for each objective for each child.
Please leave the cell blank if the learner does not understand it yet and always needs support / guidance 1: Working Towards / Apprentice: The learner has some understanding and can manage to achieve it some of the time independently 2: Mastery of End of Year Expectations: The learner has mastered the objective at the end of year standard. They know it, understand it, can explain it and demonstrate it through their work. They are independently accurate. 3: Deeper Learner: The learner can use/apply their mastery accurately, fluently, flexibly and effectively in a range of contexts. Evaluating its use and creating new learning and links to current understanding.
Example of Year 1 writing Example section of Y1 writing Example of Year 1 writing Leave spaces between words Join words and joining clauses using 'and' begin to punctuate sentences using a capital and a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark Use a capital letter for names of people, places, days of the week and the personal pronoun 'I' Learn the grammar for year 1 in English Appendix 2 Use the grammatical terminology in English Appendix 2 in discussing their writing Total % NAHT Key Performance Indicators Spelling Handwriting Composition Vocabulary, grammar & punctuation
Copies of: This presentation Teaching for Learning policy Teaching for Learning Foundations Learning Journey prompts Year group core subject Assessment Journeys Foundation subject Assessment Journeys Research can be found at: timjumpclarke.wordpress.com Or email me: adminoffice@cornerstoneprimary.hants.sch.uk Or via Twitter: @tim_jumpclarke