‘Our curriculum is creative, inspirational and purposeful’


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Presentation transcript:

‘Our curriculum is creative, inspirational and purposeful’ Personal, Social and Emotional Development: Spring Term: January to April Can I express my thoughts and ideas confidently and listening/respond appropriately when friends and adults talk to me? Can I use my learning muscles independently , like the resourceful OCTOPUS, friendly BEE, resilient TORTOISE and reflective OWL and apply my skills and knowledge through a range of learning experiences? Can I ‘have a go’ and persevere in all my clever learning? Can I take risks and adapt my learning? Can I challenge myself? ‘Our curriculum is creative, inspirational and purposeful’ RECEPTION How can we help Farmer Sam count his sheep carefully? What happens during Chinese New Year? Jack’s beans! Author focus week Who is Anansi and what can we learn from his special spider stories? Poems and rhymes! Why is Easter a special time? Communication and Language: Can I listen and respond to world traditions and retell in my own words? Can I talk about traditions, comparing and discussing my likes and dislikes? Can I continue to express myself clearly and communicate my ideas to adults and friends as well as listen to other peoples ideas too? Physical Development: Can I change for PE on my own developing greater physical skills? Can I use my hands to show control of writing instruments, forming ALL letter and number shapes correctly? Can I construct models and show good control in PE when using apparatus? Literacy: Can I recognise and name ALL the letters in the alphabet? (lower case and upper case) Can I use my phonics skills and all the graphemes I know (including trigraphs (such as igh/air/ear etc ) to segment and blend words when reading and writing? Can I share ideas, make predictions and discuss the books I read? Can I talk about my favourite books/authors Maths: Can I recognise and use numbers knowing that the number equals the amount of objects, add and take away, sequence numbers, match numbers, add numbers beyond 10? Can I use a wider range of maths vocabulary and solve practical maths problems? Understanding the World: Can I talk events in my life at home, at school and in my community and the wider world, making links to other children’s experiences or stories that I hear/read? Can I talk about similarities and differences? Can I use technology to make thing happen and use my clever learning skills to find out more ? Expressive Arts and Design: Can I use my ideas to create pictures and models inside and out independently and/or linked to my learning? Can I develop imaginative stories and use appropriate vocabulary and actions in role play to extend the play further? Can I enjoy participating in sport, dance and drama independently and in a team?