Tuolumne County Adult Child and Family Services 20111 Cedar Road North Sonora, CA 95370 (209)533-5717 Toll Free: 866-388-7502 http://www.tuolumnecounty.ca.gov/index.aspx?nid=285
Child Welfare Services Program Provide 24 hour, 7 days a week intake of reports of abuse, neglect and/or exploitation; Investigate allegations of abuse, neglect, and/or exploitation; Collaborate with the community to establish pre-placement preventative services for children; Provide Case planning with children and their families to establish goals of Family Maintenance, Family Reunification, or Permanent Placement and concurrent planning; Recruit quality care providers to accept placement of children that cannot be safely maintained in the homes of their parent/guardian. Provide Case management activities; Report to the Juvenile Dependency Court and enforce Court orders; Provide Mandated Reporter Trainings.
Intake and Referral Contact Adult, Child and Family Services 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday-Friday with reports of suspected child abuse, neglect and/or exploitation After hours Reports can be made to 533-4357 or 533-(HELP) All suspected abuse, neglect and exploitation reports are transferred to a social worker whose primary responsibility is screening these calls. Reports of suspected abuse, neglect and exploitation are screened through a Structured Decision Making (SDM) hotline assessment tool and the Safety Organized Practice © Review, Evaluate and Direct (R.E.D.) Team framework to determine the agency’s response.
Emergency Response Investigations Adult, Child and Family Services Emergency Response Unit Investigates the reports that have been accepted for investigation; Out of home abuse is not investigated through the Child Welfare Services Program; In-Person Immediate Investigation; In-Person Investigation within 10 calendar days; Investigates referrals pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code §300 to determine whether an allegation is unfounded, inconclusive or substantiated;
Emergency Response Investigations (cont.) Provides preventative case management and referrals to community services; Safety planning and mapping; When there are no alternatives for safety of a child, places the child into protective custody through exigency or protective custody warrant. Prepares reports for the Court and reports developments to the court beginning with the Detention hearing and through the Disposition Hearing.
Case Planning Completes an assessment to determine the strengths and the needs of the family; Engages the child and family to develop a case plan to address specific needs to achieve a case plan goal of Voluntary Family Maintenance, Voluntary Family Reunification, Court ordered Family Maintenance, Court ordered Family Reunification, or Permanent Plan of Adoption, Legal Guardianship, Placement with a Fit and Willing Relative, or Another Planned Permanent Living Arrangement; Provides case management services to support the family in achieving the goals of the case plan; Provides regular contact with the family to discuss case planning, to include their strengths, worries and next steps; Reports to the court progress with the case plan when under the jurisdiction of the court.
Out-of-Home Placement Recruit quality caregivers who can be approved pursuant to specific laws and regulations and who can help support the specific case plan goals, has the ability to keep the child in their school of origin, who is child focused, work with the biological families in the best interest of the child, and participate as a member of the child(rens) Child and Family Team (CFT), and provide permanency for the child if in the event of Family Reunification failing. Give preferential consideration for placement to relatives who can be approved pursuant to specific laws and regulations; Attempt to maintain siblings together in the same placement; Attempt to maintain child(ren) in their school of origin; Schedule and facilitate family visitation; Monitor the child(ren) in their placements to ensure ongoing safety; Assessment and Case management services to support the child(ren) in their placement and with their case plan goal; Hold CFT Meetings to develop a plan to support the child and family when the child is in out-of-home placement.
Ongoing Case Management The Adult, Child and Family Services Ongoing Unit provides ongoing assessment and case management to families with a case plan goal of Family Maintenance, Family Reunification or Permanent Placement; Reports progress and developments to the Juvenile Dependency Court every six months; Collaborates with California Department of Social Services, Adoptions Bureau to develop a permanent plan for a child when Family Reunification fails to be ordered by the Court; Acts as the case managing social workers to the children, parents, and caregivers; Collaborate with community service providers to support the success of children and families on their caseloads; Participates in CFT Meetings to discuss strengths, worries, and next steps for the family and engage the family to develop a plan.
Collaboration Representation at the SARB Meetings; Prevent Child Abuse Tuolumne County Committee; Foster Youth Council through Tuolumne County Superintendent of Schools; Facilitation and participation of CFT meetings for children at risk of out-of-home placement; Participation in multi-disciplinary team meetings; Participation in Individualized Education Program meetings; Teachers input and Treatment Outcome Package (TOP) Assessment; Family Visitation Center and community support; Parent Partner Program; Mandated Reporter Training
Adult Child and Family Services Management Team Cori Allen, Deputy Director callen@co.tuolumne.ca.us 533-7364 Michelle Clark, Program Manger mclark@co.tuolumne.ca.us 533-5774 Emily Flosi, Ongoing Unit Supervisor eflosi@co.tuolumne.ca.us 533-7353 Contact Michie Anderson, Emergency Response Supervisor to schedule Mandated Reporter training manderson@co.tuolumne.ca.us 533-5785