Certificate 3 Education Support CHCEDS003 Contribute to Student Education in all Developmental Domains.
What is Cognition & Cognitive Development?
Stages of Cognitive Development Verbalise a memory Know that hitting someone is not acceptable behaviour Respond to stimuli Become aware of consequences Understand and interpret proverbs Imitate adult behaviour reading a book Can sort coloured sticks into groups Be unable to tell you where they left their favourite toy Pre-operational Concrete operations Sensorimotor Formal operations
Language Development 5 Years 6 Years 7 Years Vowels sounds Consonants m, p, b, h, w, k, g, t, d , n, y 6 Years Consonants f, v, sh, th 7 Years Consonants s – z, r, voiceless th, ch, wh, soft g
Strategies Speak clearly without leaving off the beginning syllable of word Eye contact Polite, courteous respectful Use correct grammatical forms Respond and give feedback Allow others to speak
Fostering Language Development Small group activities Opportunity to present ideas Safe atmosphere Everyone has a chance to speak Adults can elicit more information from students learn from and about each other learn conversational skills Link writing with communication Learn to accept other points of view
Benefits of Language Development Problem Solving Disequilibrium Decision Making Stop, Think then Act SODAS Identify the Situation List the Options List the Disadvantages List the Advantages Choose the Solution
Dyscalculia Difficulty in Maths Misunderstanding of basic number concepts
Dyspraxia Difficulty processing information causing problems with perception, thought and co ordination
Types of Learners Visual Auditory Kinaesthetic
Cross Cultural Diversity Anti discrimination legislation School diversity guidelines Communication style Equal and diverse participation Encourage diversity Role model Politically correct language Encourage terms and language that doesn’t offend Provide play and materials that cater for other cultures Every child has the opportunity to fulfil their potential
Cultural Diversity in Uniform Is wearing religious attire a right or a privilege? Is wearing religious attire fostering cultural diversity? By disallowing anyone from to wear the religious attire is the school practising cultural diversity? Is the school’s uniform code inclusive of all cultures? How can wearing religious attire be inclusive and a learning experience for all students?
English as a New Arrival Australian Government https://www.education.gov.au/english-second-language-new-arrivals-programme Victorian Government http://www.education.vic.gov.au/school/teachers/teachingresources/diversity/eal/Pages/ealnewstudent.aspx
English as a New Arrival
Japanese System of Education Japanese classrooms are Teacher centred Use rote memory Teacher imparts knowledge
Japanese System of Education Japanese students Are shy and speak little in the classroom Don’t like to stand out in a classroom Don’t like to raise question or disagree Don’t like ambiguity More dependant on authority figures More obedient and conform to rules
Japanese System of Education Japanese students Want rapid and constant correction Analytical in their learning Good at finding cause effect More commonly visual learners Are uncomfortable when making a guess Are concrete-sequential learners