Headteacher’s report 14th December 2016.


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Presentation transcript:

Headteacher’s report 14th December 2016

Contents Autumn data report 2015/2016 Data report and forecast 2016/2017 Strategic plan update and milestones Attendance and behaviour report *Please read the attached information and come with any questions. Also attached for your information is the strategic plan and milestones document

Autumn data report Historical data Autumn 2016 End of nursery 2016 Early Years- GLD and key statistics including groups KS1- end of key stage data including groups and comparisons KS1- Raise on line, progress data Autumn 2016 Targets for end of year Current picture in year groups Breakdown of groups Progress data (Aut 1-2)

Suggested questions from raise on line At key stage 1 How did the overall percentage of all pupils attaining the expected standard or above compare with the national figure? How did the difference vary across subjects? How did this compare with percentages attaining greater depth? * How did the overall percentage of disadvantaged pupils attaining the expected standard or above compare with the national figure for other pupils? How did the difference vary across subjects? How did this compare with percentages attaining greater depth?

For disadvantaged pupils and for all pupils, how did attainment vary across early learning goal development groups? Is any difference shaded (bearing in mind that larger cohorts are more likely to be shaded than smaller ones)? How did attainment vary across subjects? How different was it for attaining the expected standard and attaining greater depth? Possible follow-up questions about disadvantaged pupils * How effectively has the school identified the main barriers faced by different disadvantaged pupils, in particular those with high prior attainment and those with low prior attainment who need to catch up? * How was the pupil premium funding spent to address the different barriers and how effective were the various approaches? * How might the progress and attainment of disadvantaged pupils in all current year groups compare with the 2016 progress and attainment?

Historical- end of nursery Expectation would be 30-50 s+/ 40-60 b

Historical- end of Year R- all ELG (early learning goals)

GLD comparisons with previous years, Hampshire and National

Average points score comparisons

GLD- comparison locally GLD Hampshire Average= 75% Gosport average= 74% Peel Common= 63% Discussions have been around a few children who did not meet the prima area of moving and handling due to poor gross and fine motor skills or did not meet the ELG for emotional readiness due to being either very young and immature Also our provision for both writing and maths has been revised this year to ensure more children meet the ELG for these strands

Early Years- breakdown of groups

Historical-End of Key Stage 1

End of KS 1 comparisons with national, county and local

KS 1 breakdown of groups

KS1- raise on line progress data Reading Writing Maths data is shown overall and for pupils with emerging, expected and exceeding development in the mathematics early learning goal. National values are shown by horizontal bars. The difference from national is shown as the number (no) of pupils it represents and is shaded for the early learning goal development groups.

Raise on line headlines

Targets Early Years Year 1 Year 2 GLD 75% Reading 75-80% 80-85% 67-73% Writing 60-65% Maths 70-75%

EY current picture

Year 1 current picture

Year 1- breakdown of groups

Year 2- current picture

Year 2- breakdown of groups

Progress data The following graphs show the progress made by the cohort and by specific groups since the beginning of term. If all children make expected progress the value would be 1.0 for a term’s progress.

Early Years progress between terms

Year 1

Year 2

Strategic plan- milestones Priority 1- Well being of staff Staff have elected to be part of the new wellbeing committee. This has not met yet but will be meeting in the new year. Milestone Autumn says for Governors to meet the committee, so Governors are invited to the wellbeing committee on Tuesday 10th Jan 12.15pm The teaching and learning handbook has been used for monitoring. Both key stages have conducted learning walks using the non-negotiable pages in the handbook and discussed actions following this. SLT and HT/DHT have monitored in classrooms and fed back to staff on the outcomes of this monitoring. (Headlines in priority 3,4,5 update) Priority 2 has been covered above in the data analysis. Pupil progress meetings will now be held in Jan- dates to follow

Priority 3, 4, 5- Quality of teaching and use of language of learning/ behaviours for learning Monitoring of teaching and learning has been carried out All teaching was seen to be at least good NQTs and SCITT trainee are assessed as meeting the necessary standards Headlines of good practice observed: All adults using open ended questions and promoting deep thinking Some examples of adults beginning to use growth mindset language Majority of adults seen to be supporting learning in positive way and moving learning forward through their interactions Children generally on task and engaged in their learning Good evidence of positive behaviour management

Headlines for areas to develop: Continuing to develop use of growth mind-sets language- this will be an area of whole school focus following the inset on Jan 27th- Governors are welcome to attend the morning session Ensuring all areas of the learning spaces are being well used and respected by the children- this will be a focus for the next monitoring in Spring From the work sampling we will be looking for more examples of pupils having actively improved or corrected work according to the feedback or marking We will be discussing task design, volume of work expected and use of worksheets in staff meetings

Behaviour and attendance report This term there have been no exclusions Staff in Year 2 have worked with Lennox centre staff as part of an ongoing project A group of Year 2 children have been given a directed lunchtime programme which means that they can be kept way from each other and purposefully engaged at lunchtimes. There is a rota of activities including being a lunchtime helper, going to a lunch club run by staff, playing in the quad and using the main playground. This is having a positive impact on behaviour and will be reviewed in January to see if any changes need to be made to it.

A new cohort behaviour plan has been put in place in Year 2 and is being followed by all staff. This involves children losing minutes to be paid back at playtime, lunchtime or reward time for identified unacceptable behaviours, the policy is being followed consistently and is having an impact positively on behaviour in class. In Year 1 a small group of children have been worked with over playground behaviour and may be included in the lunchtime rota in the new year if further incidents occur. In Nursery a child and their parents are receiving support via Heathfield outreach in order to manage their behaviour and learning needs. A new online system for recording safeguarding issues is now in place and staff are exploring how this can also be used to record behaviour incidents and concerns.

Attendance data As shown in the Raise on line headlines slide absence remains a concern for us. Current absence data shows that Year R is less than 95% but there is still an improving picture over the years. The vast majority of absence is due to illness.

These tables show class averages for all children above and the average for FSM children as this was an identified group to track.