The Role of the EP in the Graduated Response Paula Hesford and Jill Sandeman Psychological Services
Psychological Services Strand within SEND support services Every partnership now has a link Educational Psychologist Build relationships Plan over time, better picture of school and needs
Aims of Educational Psychology Applying psychology with educational communities to enhance wellbeing and improve outcomes for all. Work effectively, efficiently and preventatively. Work collaboratively Why apply psychology - provides framework of reference, based on evidence, critically evaluate and use flexibly Context - no one single factor is the cause of a difficulty Wellbeing - chn and adults feeling secure have better outcomes, resilience, Outcomes - positive change Equality - we actively seek a more e Collaboration - positive change is more likely if we work collaboratively, problem owner shares ownership, empowers problem owner, creates shared understanding
Background and training route Psychology degree Experience of working with children (teacher, social worker, TA) Masters or Doctorate in Educational Psychology
What do we do? C R A I T (Based on the Currie Matrix)
C is for Consultation Conversation that makes a difference Individual/group/whole school/partnership level Joint investigation Joint problem-solving Joint planning and intervention Joint evaluation and review
Case Study - Jamie School overwhelmed by wide range of pupil’s needs Consultation allowed concerns to be heard Sharing of ideas – staff and parents Priorities agreed and actions planned Review built in
R is for Research To inform practice To improve service To support schools
A is for Assessment Assessment can mean many things: Dynamic Assessment Observation and consultation Working out “what to do next” EHC assessment What does anyone mean by full psychological assessment? Assumes “within-child” model rather than looking at factors influencing child’s life – inner working model, environment, interaction with peers and staff EHC – 3 days work – worth it??? Dynamic assessment – in part is an intervention as well – use of video, feedback of skills, looks at cognitive and affective factors and ability to change with mediation
I is for Intervention Solution oriented approach Therapeutic work Social stories Cognitive behavioural approaches Narrative approach Growth mindset and meta- cognitive strategies Video Interaction Guidance
The Learning Pit
T is for Training Self-esteem Emotional Literacy for Support Assistants Meta-cognitive strategies Precision Monitoring Social Stories Attachment Self-esteem Supporting children who have difficulties with maths Staff support Solution Circle Working memory Aim is to leave a legacy behind and empower staff and therefore children Good use of EP time – opportunities to share training between schools in partnerships Early intervention and prevention
EP pathway Discussion re EP pathway - see handout
EP view Unique perspective Ecological model – focusing on interactions of children with their environment, curriculum, peers, teachers and other relevant adults Plan-do-review Positive – based on strengths Pupil voice
How you can help your EP Let us speak to the “problem owner” Keep track of what you have tried and the impact it had Keep the child’s context in mind