‘Supporting your child’s learning in Maths’ INSPIRE morning Foundation Stage 2 ‘Supporting your child’s learning in Maths’ INSPIRE morning 24th January 2018 Mr Staines Assistant Head and Maths Co-ordinator
Maths at Castle Bromwich Infant and Nursery School What you will see in the classrooms How to help your child at home
A focus on concrete resources Maths at Castle Bromwich Infant and Nursery School Tens frame Number line Numicon Part part whole Balance scales Cups 2D and 3D shapes
Maths at Castle Bromwich Infant and Nursery School Concrete Pictorial Abstract 6 3 3 3 + 3 = 6
Caters for all learning styles Audio - Visual - Kinaesthetic Fluid system – can always go back
What you will see today…… Writing numbers Counting amounts Finding parts of a whole Addition of parts Comparing and ordering numbers Measuring and comparing mass Length and pattern Capacity 2D shape Number formation is crucial Touch counting – 1:1 correspondence Using the part part wholes I showed you earlier and how this applies to addition Looking at the value of numbers and comparing them Weigh the fossils and discuss what’s the same and different about them? Tall and short as well as which container holds the most
How to help your child at home Number formation Counting – stairs, walking to school Numbers in different contexts Favourite numbers, telephone, dates Playing counting games Hide and seek, Pairs, Snap, Cards Patterns of objects Shape detectives
Questions to encourage your child’s mathematical thinking Can you show me…? What happens if…? Talk to me about…? Why is this one different …? Why does this come next..? Why can’t it be…?
Maths is everywhere!
‘Supporting your child’s learning in Maths’ INSPIRE morning Foundation Stage 2 ‘Supporting your child’s learning in Maths’ INSPIRE morning Thank you for listening, enjoy your morning. Refreshments will be available in the hall after your time with the children.