The Picture my World photographers in Cambodia and the UK took photographs about learning.
Can you work out what the children are learning in these pictures? So much learning was happening in so many different ways the photographers took loads of photos! Can you work out what the children are learning in these pictures?
Look closely and see how many things you can count that are the same. The next two slides show all the learning that happened in one day in Wakefield and one day in Phnom Penh. Look closely and see how many things you can count that are the same.
How many of these things do you learn at school? Did you notice that the same lessons were happening in Cambodia and the UK? reading art lunchtime library time handwriting maths taking photos How many of these things do you learn at school? dance writing on the board music
The Picture my World photographers go to school but not all children have the chance to. Let’s find out more about CAFOD’s work in other countries around the world.
This picture was taken after an earthquake in Pakistan This picture was taken after an earthquake in Pakistan. CAFOD’s partners provided tents for classrooms. CAFOD works in lots of different ways to make sure children can go to school.
This lesson is taking place outside in Zambia This lesson is taking place outside in Zambia. CAFOD supports a community radio station that broadcasts lessons for children and adults too! Some children live in places where it isn’t safe for them to travel to school or the school is too far away.
Nigeria Peru Some children have jobs, or they might have to look after their little brothers and sisters while their mum and dad go to work. Sri Lanka
CAFOD believes every child has a right to go to school. Brazil CAFOD believes every child has a right to go to school. Photos by: Picture my World Photographers in Phnom Penh and Wakefield, Caroline Irby, Simon Rawles, Jim Stipe, Marcella Haddad, David Synder, CAFOD Illustrations by: Per Karlen