Utilization of KEKB for ILC R&D Y. Suetsugu on behalf of K.Oide and KEKB staff KEKB 2006.09.27 at ILCDR2006
Grand Lepton Collider Project The future plan of Japanese Higher Energy Physics Community is under discussion and not yet concluded. This is not more than a material for the discussion. dai - leputon - keikaku 「大レプトン計画」 Grand Lepton Collider Project K. Oide for HEC Aug. 17 & Sep. 9, 2006
We will do everything: ILC, SuperKEKB, J-Parc. 2007 2010 2015 2020 ILC SuperKEKB J-Parc (Numbers are estimated FTE) R&D I 60 40 R&D II >> 90 Construction Exp. KEKB 80 60 Constr. 30 Experiment Constr. / Comm. Experiment Phase-II All members of KEK-ACCL will have both duties for ILC and SuperKEKB. The weight between SuperKEKB and ILC is subject to change, depending on the readiness of ILC. The individual role and weight in the two projects should be flexibly managed by considering time, speciality, and occasion.
We will do everything: ILC, SuperKEKB, J-Parc. 2007 2010 2015 2020 ILC SuperKEKB J-Parc (Numbers are estimated FTE) R&D I 60 40 R&D II >> 90 Construction Exp. KEKB 80 60 Constr. 30 Experiment Constr. / Comm. Experiment Phase-II In the 2010s decade, while producing physics by SuperKEKB, utilize KEKB accelerator’s material and human resources to the R&D of ILC. Upgrade KEKB to SuperKEKB, and do experiment. R&D of ILC for industrization and construction.
Items of utilization of KEKB for ILC R&D, for example,: Positron sources, flux concentrator Orbit and emittance control in linac Low-emittance operation of KEKB-LER Electron cloud、test of beam pipes and coatings Effect of wigglers Development of ring RF system with ILC spec, development of ring klystrons Next generation of bunch-by-bunch feedback、ring BPM Detector Components etc
Items of utilization of KEKB for ILC DR R&D: Experiments on suppression of electron cloud effect Development of a beam duct with ante-chambers. Survey of surfaces with a low secondary electron yield, and development of a clearing electrode. Measurement of electron density in a vacuum pipe Measurement of electron cloud instabilities Measurement of beam spectrum, beam size and so on. Operation of KEKB LER at a low emittance mode KEKB LER can be operated with a horizontal emittance of approximately 1.4 nm at 2.3 GeV. Perform studies on orbit and optics control, effects of machine errors, tuning methods against emittance growth etc.
(An example) Low emittance mode of KEKB-LER
Items of utilization of KEKB for ILC DR R&D: RF system-related issues To be defined. For example, ring RF, Low level control. Bunch by bunch feedback systems and related diagnostic systems Development of next-generation digital filter systems for bunch by bunch feedback. Development of front-end and rear-end analogue signal processor s for bunch by bunch feedback and diagnostics. Development of ultra-wideband pickups and kickers. Effect of wigglers Study the effect of wiggler field strength on damping time, beam size, luminosity etc.
Grand Lepton Collider Project GLC-I (2009-2014): SuperKEKB Construction / Experiment ILC R&D Grand Lepton Collider Project GLC-II (2014-2024): ILC Construction / Experiment SuperKEKB Experiment Future R&D (CLIC, Muon) GLC-III (2024-2034): ILC Experiment / Upgrade Muon Factory / Collider SuperKEKτ Far future R&D