Pete Davis EW Safety Team Manager From Good To Great Safety Performance Energy Wholesale’s Safety Culture Project Pete Davis EW Safety Team Manager
Diversity of Issues ! E.ON UK Energy Wholesale comprises - 3 coal, 1 oil, 4½ CCGT and I hydro power stations 13 Combined Heat & Power plants 19 operational Wind Farms (at last count!) Coal import facility and gas transportation Significant project development & construction activities Head Office based staff
Project Background In late 2004 EW Director called for a “step change” in safety performance. Dupont Safety Resources Ltd engaged to conduct a safety culture maturity evaluation to: Establish current position. Provide guidance . Principle Recommendations: Establish a safety vision. Fully utilise the rule.One concept. Adopt the principle that “all injuries can be preventable”. Focus on positive “leading” safety performance indicators. Give safety leadership training to all line managers. Implement a system of behavioural auditing.
Energy Wholesale Safety Vision. Zero Injuries
How will we achieve this? This is reinforced by the belief set that ALL injuries and industrial illnesses CAN be prevented Underpinned by focussing on leading indicators, peoples behaviours and determining the root causes of incidents
Safety Culture Change Injuries Time Team Culture Team Building Team Commitment Development in Team Help Others Conform Value for Each Other Team Goals Organizational pride Management Requirement Safety as a condition of employment Use of discipline/ fear Enforcement of rules Supervisory control Training Self Responsibility Personal knowledge commitment, and standards Internalized, personal value for safety Care for self Practice, habits Individual recognition Time Dependent Independent Interdependent So I Don’t Get Caught So I Don’t Get Hurt So No one Gets Hurt
Why focus On Behaviours? Visual Strategies and Business Plans Systems, Structures / Equipment Policies and procedures People and Injuries Attitudes Values Skills Feelings Behaviors Structure Culture Safety culture is about how people think, feel and interact in relation to Safety. Less visual
ZERO Safety Culture Make Up Develop Belief Set Setting to work project Behavioural Auditing H&S Best Practice sharing Safety Leadership ZERO Effective Communication DuPont Report Action Plans Enhance Safety organisation and structure Enhance Injury Investigation Leading Performance Indicators Further develop common systems & approach Embrace Our Contractors
Is our Safety Culture stone age?
Behavioural Auditing – “mind set check” Structured common approach. Simple 5 step system Observation Discussion (starting with positive reinforcement) Agreement Other issues Thanks The aims of the interactions with employees are to: Recognise and praise safe behaviour. Correct unsafe behaviour. Instil value for safety in the employee. Raise awareness for safety. Identify safety issues. Demonstrate the manager’s commitment to safety. Build the safety culture. Prevent Injuries!
The Mind Set Check Reporting Tool
The Difference Between Safety Audits and Mind set checks Safety Audits Mind set checks Things People Formal Structured Can be passive (formal/one way) Interactive Experts (Them and us) Everyone (We / Us) Negative Positive and Negative Document/Follow up Limited Document and Follow up Mind set checks are not audits!
Progress to Date Safety vision developed. Road show delivered to all management teams within EW 250 Managers and Leaders trained in the techniques of mind set check A set of new performance indicators has been establish and in full use as of Jan 2007. New system of compliance auditing in use. A common induction system developed and in use across EW, version 2 in development. Accident / incident investigation policy reviewed, updated and issued. Quality of investigations improving.
Has the project made a difference?
Behaviour is a function of its’ consequences And Finally :- B: f(C) Behaviour is a function of its’ consequences
Thank you