Story Elements RL4 and RL6.


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LITERARY ELEMENTS Conflict and Plot.
Identifying the Elements of A Plot Diagram
Presentation transcript:

Story Elements RL4 and RL6

The Targets RL4: Analyzing Story Elements I can analyze the impact of the author's choices regarding how to develop and relate characters to other elements of the story, giving specific details. 3 I can analyze the impact of the author's choices regarding how to develop and relate characters to other elements of the story. 2 I can analyze the impact of the author's choices regarding how to develop characters in the story. 1 I can explain the impact of the author's choices regarding how to develop characters in the story. RL6: Text Structure 4 I can analyze in depth how an author's choices concerning how to structure specific parts of a text, such as where to begin or methods of ending (tragedy, comedy, etc.), contribute to overall structure and meaning. 3 I can analyze how an author's choices concerning how to structure specific parts of a text, such as where to begin or methods of ending (tragedy, comedy, etc.), contribute to overall structure and meaning. 2 I can explain an author's choices concerning how to structure specific parts of a text, such as where to begin or methods of ending (tragedy, comedy, etc.). 1 I can identify an author's choices concerning how to structure specific parts of a text.

Hook Match Game: What is…? Initial way author draws reader into story—action, dialogue, reflection. Hook

Exposition Match Game: What is…? This usually occurs at the beginning of a story. Here the characters are introduced. We also learn about the setting of the story. Exposition

Conflict Match Game: What is…? The basis of the rest of the story. It could be character versus character, society, nature, and/or self. Conflict

Rising Action Match Game: What is…? This part of the story begins to develop the responses to conflict(s). A building of interest or suspense occurs. Rising Action

Climax Match Game: What is…? This is the turning point of the story. Usually the main character comes face to face with a conflict. The main character will change in some way. Climax

Falling Action/Resolution Match Game: What is…? All loose ends of the plot are tied up. The conflict(s) and climax are taken care of. Falling Action/Resolution

Setting Match Game: What is…? Time, place, climate, society, etc. Often reflects the changes in plot and characterization Setting

Characterization Match Game: What is…? Direct: the author or narrator tells us how a character is. The man was tall. Jerry was happy to survive the attack. Indirect: the characters actions show us how he/she is. The man towered over the woman, a tree compared to the grass. Jerry sobbed in relief as the would-be murderer was dragged away by the police. Characterization

Point of View Match Game: What is…? Who tells the story First, Second, Third Objective, Limited, Omniscient Point of View

Mood Match Game: What is…? Emotion of the piece Often reflects the changes in plot and characterization Mood

Theme Match Game: What is…? The main idea or message in a work of literature Many works have multiple themes which build together Theme

Questions to Consider How does characterization influence: Plot Mood Setting Theme Point of View How does the story start? Why? How does the story end? Why? Remember, every word is the author’s choice.