Transparency International annually produce their index on Corruption Perceptions. The report ranks over 160 countries according to the level of perceived corruption within its public sector. How many can you get right? All you have to do is say whether the index number of the second country is higher or lower than the first.
1 Game over 16 15 next Click on the up or down arrows 1 3 Click on the up or down arrows Game over Click here to restart next Iraq 16 South Sudan 15
50 5 Netherlands 87 43 Iraq 16 L 46 South Sudan 15 24 Comoros 26 H 28 Guinea 25 11 Australia 79 45 Angola 27 Bangladesh Nigeria 20 Qatar 71 48 Afghanistan 37 Burundi 21 8 Singapore 85 3 Sweden 89 29 Kenya 34 Congo Republic 23 40 Uzbekistan 19 35 Chad 22 Tajikistan 9 Canada 83 33 Central African Republic 42 Venezuela 17 13 Belgium 77 Hong Kong 75 10 United Kingdom 81 47 Sudan 12 United States 76 France 70 4 New Zealand 88 38 Cambodia 49 Korea (North) 18 Japan 41 Guinea-Bissau Ireland Ukraine Uruguay 74 6 Norway 2 Finland 90 50 Somalia 36 Myanmar 31 Papua New Guinea 39 Zimbabwe 30 Laos 14 Austria Iceland Paraguay 7 Switzerland 86 44 Libya 1 Denmark 91 32 Uganda Country Score Denmark 91 Finland 90 Sweden 89 New Zealand 88 Netherlands 87 Norway Switzerland 86 Singapore 85 Canada 83 United Kingdom 81 Australia 79 Iceland Belgium 77 Austria 76 United States Hong Kong 75 Ireland Japan Uruguay 74 Qatar 71 France 70 Paraguay 27 Ukraine Comoros 26 Nigeria Tajikistan Bangladesh 25 Guinea Kenya Laos Papua New Guinea Uganda Central African Republic 24 Congo Republic 23 Chad 22 Myanmar Burundi 21 Cambodia Zimbabwe Uzbekistan 19 Guinea-Bissau 17 Venezuela Iraq 16 Libya Angola 15 South Sudan Sudan 12 Afghanistan 11 Korea (North) 8 Somalia Aim: To learn some aspects of a data set using a game concept. How to play: Start the slideshow from slide 1 and click on ‘Click here to start’. The board will show a country and its score according to the corruption perception index (2015) from Transparency International. Thecloser to 100 the nearer that country is to a lack of corruption. You need to click on higher (the up arrow) or lower (the down arrow) depending on whether you think the unknown figure for the second country shown will be higher or lower. If you are correct you will earn a point. Repeat this process until you get an incorrect answer or run out of data. Click on ‘Reset Board’ to start again.