Ordalina was born in the countryside of the northern state of Paraná Ordalina was born in the countryside of the northern state of Paraná. Her grandfather was among the last slaves to be liberated in Brazil when he was only nine years old and died at a grand old age of more than 115 according to the family records. His daughter, Marie Sabina, Ordalina's mother, who worked very hard for most of her life with a devout organisation. This same organisation, run by French nuns, was responsible for a high-class boarding school where Ordalina received an opportunity to study in exchange for her mother's position there as head cook. The school catered for 1.500 privileged girls and Ordalina was definitely the “black sheep” among them, also in the sense of the word's meaning, being the only negro student in the entire school. The possibility to study there was actually a personal conquest by her mother, who was only prepared to offer her reliable culinary services on the condition that they accepted her daughter in school. As it was not just anybody who was capable of catering for the feeding of 1.500 demanding young girls, so the deal was closed and Ordalina received quite a different education, unlike most of her old friends who came from similar backgrounds as her own.
Married to Geraldo, with four children, Ordalina spent most of her working life as a hairdresser. During the first eight years of her young adult life she became involved in an educational programme for abandoned boys at a shelter run by the same French nuns. This experience caused quite an impact on her life and was decisive for her future social engagement with underprivileged kids.
Black pearl beauty of Hummingbird
As a hairdresser in her own Salon, she would always be seen conversing with and training problematic youngsters, many of whom were involved in illegal activities. Today, thanks to her efforts, these same young people run their own small hairdressing businesses in the local community and live a dignified life.
Ordalina's natural artistic talents were unfortunately always put aside due to her family responsibilities and a husband who could not support such “extravagant” activities. It was only after her children became independent that she would start to realise her childhood dream of becoming an artist and a socially engaged one at that.
A cherished long-time friend of CARF's founder, Ordalina gradually became deeply involved in the The Hummingbird Project, volunteering regularly at CARF's recuperation centre for street children in São Paulo. Today, 10 years later, she is very much involved in the daily running of The Hummingbird Activity Centre, CARF's Street Migration Prevention Programme for at-risk community children, where she uses her fabulous artistic talents teaching our target population art, hairdressing and even culinary delights, mastering the art like her own mother did for many years at her boarding school.
Ordalina and children at the paint workshop at Hummingbird centre.
The hairdressing salon at Hummingbird centre concentrates especially on afro-Brazilian hairstyles. Teaching is given to 8 students at a time. After graduation, they get a starter package, so they can start earning income at home.
We are proud to have Ordalina in our staff at Hummingbird, a remarkable personality, a wonderful humble person dearly loved and respected by both children and staff at Hummingbird. Gregory J. Smith Founder, Children At Risk Foundation - CARF Kolibri Children At Risk Foundation Holmedalsgården 3 5003 Bergen Ph: +47 48 20 96 30 E-post: Web: The Hummingbird Cultural Network (Rede Cultural Beija-Flor) ensures that children living in the poverty of the slums of São Paulo, Brazil are kept from becoming street kids. Instead, they are given the opportunity to a positive future, through the support and leadership of local youngsters, who have themselves broken the cycle of poverty, violence, drugs and crime. Background Gregory John Smith founded Children At Risk Foundation in Bergen, Norway in 1992. He sold everything he owned and left a comfortable life in Norway, and moved to São Paulo to work with street kids. The project has since evolved into a local organisation with a more preventive approach, and today the Hummingbird Cultural Network run four Activity and Community Prevention Centres in the São Paulo region. Here, children gain knowledge, confidence and belief in their own abilities through activities, educational programmes, as well as English classes. Smith is still a force and an inspiration in the project in SP. You can support us here. Thank You.