The Challenge of Data Delivery to Our Field Offices Bernard N. Meisner Chief, Science & Training NWS Southern Region
The AWIPS Front Door What is the process by which data/images are added to the Satellite Broadcast? What is the process by which data/images are removed from the Satellite Broadcast? SBN Master Ground Station Satellite Data NESDIS Network Control Facility WFO/RFC AWIPS Model Output EMC Code needed to ingest and display the data/images AWIPS Program NWS Telcom Gateway
The AWIPS Side Door The Internet Problem: Not all developers MDL (ECMWF MOS) GOES-R/JPSS Testbeds NSSL (NMQ / MRMS) EMC Parallel Model Runs Local Research Collaborations (CSTAR) Experimental model output (GSD HRRR) Data/Imagery Problem: Not all developers provide this code! WFO/RFC Regional Headquarters Code needed to ingest and display the data/images Product Developers Local Data Acquisition and Dissemination (LDAD) System Data/Imagery Regional LDM Servers AWIPS
The AWIPS Side Door The Internet Problem: MDL (ECMWF MOS) GOES-R/JPSS Testbeds NSSL (NMQ / MRMS) EMC Parallel Model Runs Local Research Collaborations (CSTAR) Experimental Model Output (GSD HRRR) Data/Imagery Storm reports, email, Training Webinars, Internet access, Software upgrades/patches, etc. DSS Webinars, Web page updates, Web briefings, Social Media, etc. Problem: This bandwidth is very limited! WFO/RFC Regional Headquarters Local Data Acquisition and Dissemination (LDAD) System Data/Imagery Regional LDM Servers AWIPS
Some Key Points Model guidance should be available on AWIPS, the primary tool forecasters use to make their forecasts. Make delivery to the field offices/Centers the measure of a successful implementation. Make it easier for field offices to participate in evaluations of preliminary/experimental guidance. Provide an experimental product channel on the AWIPS SBN? Product developers must provide AWIPS configuration data. Model guidance file sizes must be compatible with available bandwidth and AWIPS processing capabilities. Does a WFO need 450 mb winds on a 12km CONUS grid? It may be prohibitively expensive to substantially increase network bandwidth at some field offices.