Leanne Emerson, GT Coordinator Gifted & Talented Leanne Emerson, GT Coordinator
Information Information about the GT program can be found on the school’s website under Mrs. Emerson’s page. http://wildcats.afsc.k12.ar.us/ Referral Process Referrals for the GT Program are accepted at any time from any one. Forms are available on the website or from Mrs. Emerson.
GT Students Students in kindergarten, first, and second grade are served through Gifted and Talented Enrichment classes each week. In 3rd – 6th grade, students who qualify for GT services are served in daily pull-out sessions. The Gifted and Talented Program as of the beginning of the 2016-2017 school year serves 25 students in 3rd – 6th grade. The 7th – 12th grade GT students are provided with differentiated lessons by Secondary Content Trained teachers in their regular classrooms. They also meet for a monthly meeting with the GT Coordinator. There are 44 GT students in 7th – 12th grade that are provided with GT services.
The first unit of this year was the “researching myself unit The first unit of this year was the “researching myself unit.” The GT Students worked hard on researching their family and where they came from. They each designed a family tree going back four generations.
The second unit this year was the “Class Logo Unit The second unit this year was the “Class Logo Unit.” The students researched famous logos, what makes a great logo stand the test of time, and how to design a logo. They each worked hard designing their own GT logo. The winning logo was the “Super Talented” design, & it will be put on a t-shirt for each of the 3-6 grade GT students.