International Conference on Hydrogen Safety San Francisco, CA Clean Energy Leadership: The Role of Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies International Conference on Hydrogen Safety San Francisco, CA Dr. Sunita Satyapal U.S. Department of Energy Fuel Cell Technologies Program Program Manager September 12, 2011
U.S. Clean Energy Goals Double Renewable Energy Capacity by 2012 Generate 80% of electricity from clean energy sources by 2035 Reduce GHG emissions 83% by 2050
Share of Energy Consumed by Major Sectors of the Economy, 2009 U.S. Energy Consumption U.S. Primary Energy Consumption by Source and Sector Electric Power Share of Energy Consumed by Major Sectors of the Economy, 2009 Residential & Commercial Industrial Transportation Total U.S. Energy = 94.6 Quadrillion Btu Source: Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Review 2009, Figure 2.0
Fuel Cell Patents Reflect Emerging Growth Clean Energy Patent Growth Index[1] shows that fuel cell patents lead in the clean energy field with nearly 1,000 fuel cell patents issued worldwide in 2010. 3x more than the second place holder, solar, which has just ~360 patents. Number of fuel cell patents grew > 57% in 2010. [1}
North American Shipments by Application Fuel Cell Market Overview Megawatts Shipped, Key Countries: 2008-2010 Fuel cell market continues to grow ~36% increase in global MWs shipped ~50% increase in US MWs shipped Various analyses project that the global fuel cell/hydrogen market could reach maturity over the next 10 to 20 years, producing revenues of: • $14 – $31 billion/year for stationary power • $11 billion/year for portable power • $18 – $97 billion/year for transportation North American Shipments by Application Widespread market penetration of fuel cells could lead to: 180,000 new jobs in the US by 2020 675,000 jobs by 2035 FuelCells2000, Pike Research, Fuel Cell Today, ANL 5
DOE Accomplishments Projected high-volume cost of fuel cells has been reduced to $49/kW (2011)* More than 30% reduction since 2008 More than 80% reduction since 2002 Real world validation marks progress Vehicles & Infrastructure 155 fuel cell vehicles and 24 hydrogen fueling stations 2,500 hours (nearly 75K miles) durability Demonstrated world’s first Tri- generation station (CHHP with 54% efficiency) Up to 1,000 fuel cells with Recovery Act funding Projected Transportation Fuel Cell System Cost -projected to high-volume (500,000 units per year)- Current status: $49/kW vs target of $30/kW Safety, Codes & Standards R&D Progress Demonstration of cycle-life durability in excess of 50,000 refuelings for metal pressure vessels for forklift applications. Developed and validated models for evaluation of indoor refueling safety requirements *Based on projection to high-volume manufacturing (500,000 units/year). **Projected cost, based on analysis of state-of-the-art technology
Progress — Spurring Early Markets with DOE Recovery Act Activities Deployed more than 800 fuel cells to date for use in forklifts and backup power at several companies including Sprint, AT&T, FedEX, Kimberly Clark, and Whole Foods Deployment Locations DOE: $42 M Cost-share: $54 M Total: $96 M. NREL ARRA Data Collection Snapshot ARRA Material Handling Equipment Data As of 12/31/2010 Hydrogen Dispensed > 18,500 kg Hydrogen Fills > 38,800 Hours Accumulated > 307,400 hrs Deployment Status – August 2011 Fuel Cell Application Operational Fuel Cells Total Fuel Cells Planned Backup Power 360 539 Material Handling 467 504 Stationary 2 6 APU 3 Total 829 > 1,000 MORE THAN 3,000 ADDITIONAL FUEL CELL FORKLIFTS PLANNED with NO DOE funding
More than $1 billion spent by U.S. DOE in last four years EERE H2 & Fuel Cells Budgets Funding ($ in thousands) Key Activity FY 2011 Appropriation ($ thousands) FY 2012 Request Fuel Cell Systems R&D 43,000 45,450 Hydrogen Fuel R&D 33,000 35,000 Technology Validation 9,000 8,000 Safety, Codes & Standards 7,000 Systems Analysis 3,000 Manufacturing R&D 2,000 Total 98,000 100,450 Budget is approximately $100 million per year More than $1 billion spent by U.S. DOE in last four years 8
Safety is Essential for Success Keep Doing the Critical Work for the Safe Deployment of Hydrogen and Fuel Cells The ICHS is the most prominent international conference on hydrogen safety. Your work is essential for the successful deployment of hydrogen and fuel cells and will pave the way for other clean energy technologies. EIA IPCC Thank you!
Additional Information
Fuel Cells: Benefits & Market Potential The Role of Fuel Cells Key Benefits Very High Efficiency up to 60% (electrical) up to 70% (electrical, hybrid fuel cell / turbine) up to 85% (with CHP) 35–50%+ reductions for CHP systems (>80% with biogas) 55–90% reductions for light-duty vehicles Reduced CO2 Emissions >95% reduction for FCEVs (vs. today’s gasoline ICEVs) >80% reduction for FCEVs (vs. advanced PHEVs) Reduced Oil Use Reduced Air Pollution up to 90% reduction in criteria pollutants for CHP systems Clean fuels — including biogas, methanol, H2 Hydrogen — can be produced cleanly using sunlight or biomass directly, or through electrolysis, using renewable electricity Conventional fuels — including natural gas, propane, diesel Fuel Flexibility 11
Fuel Cell Vehicles - International Status Many major automobile manufacturers have recently reaffirmed their commitment to develop fuel cell vehicles. Plans exist in Germany and Japan to expand the hydrogen infrastructure. Daimler* Small-series production of FCEVs began in summer 2009 Plans for tens of thousands of FCEVs per year in 2015 – 2017 and hundreds of thousands a few years after Volkswagen Expanded demo fleet to 24 FCEVs in CA Recently reconfirmed commitment to FCEVs Germany: Infrastructure Public/private partnership to build 1000 hydrogen stations by 2015 SAIC (China) Partnering with GM to build 10 fuel cell vehicles in 2010 Hyundai-Kia* 2020: Planned expansion of demo fleet to 500 vehicles 2012: 1000 FCEVs/year 2015: 10,000 FCEVs/year “Borrego” FCEV has achieved >340-mile range. Renault* Toyota* 2010-2013: U.S. demo fleet of 100 vehicles 2015: Target for large-scale commercialization “FCHV-adv” has achieved 431-mile range and 68 mpgge General Motors* 115 vehicles in demonstration fleet 2012: Technology readiness goal for FC powertrain 2015: Target for commercialization GM: Reaffirmed commitment despite management changes and financial troubles. GM’s goal is to have powertrain ready for production by 2012. “Technology leadership is one of the pillars of the company. That is going to remain, and it will probably be emphasized as part of the brand of GM,” says Alan Taub, exec director of GM R&D. Taub also noted substantial progress in FC cost and size reduction. HONDA: FCX Clarity named “World Green Car of the Year” @ NY auto show, and received EPA-certified fuel economy of 72mpgge. Honda’s head of environmental planning claimed “A conventional battery-powered car would require a battery weighing two tons to match the range and performance of the Clarity and it would take hours to charge fully. TOYOTA: Toyota said auto industry will be “shocked” by the low price of its first production FCEV. Toyota’s “Highlander Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicle – Advanced (FCHV-adv) achieved about 431 miles range on compressed H2 tank, with average fuel economy of 68.3mpgge. Data was monitored and confirmed by NREL. HYUNDAI: Company plans to invest $1.7B in advanced vehicle technologies, including FCs by 2013. VOLVO: Subsidiary Volvo Technology Transfer is to receive $25M from Swedish Energy Agency and two international investors for FC research (not necessarily vehicle-focused) VW: Not a visible FC advocate until recently, confirmed that it is committed to building FCs for its H2-powered vehicles. 16 vehicles originally tested in china have joined 8 others operating in CA. SAIC: Chinese car manufacturer Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp (largest auto in China) has a $50 million, 50-50 joint venture with GM called the Pan Asia Technical Automotive Center (PATAC), which provides automotive engineering services, including design, development, testing, and validation of components and vehicles for automotive companies in China and the Asia Pacific region. SAIC and GM are planning to build 10 fuel cell vehicles in 2010 using the same propulsion system used in the Project Driveway Equinoxes inside an SAIC vehicle body. ( and JAPAN Infrastructure: GERMANY infrastructure: LETTER of UNDERSTANDING: Honda* Clarity FCX named “World Green Car of the Year”; EPA certified 72 mpgge; has begun leasing vehicles, with plans to lease 200 2015: Target for large-scale commercialization Ford* DOE 2010 Japan: Infrastructure Alliance of 13 Japanese companies plans to develop commercial technologies by 2015 that will supply hydrogen for FCEVs. * In Sept. 2009, many of the world’s major auto manufacturers signed a letter of understanding in support of fuel cell vehicles, anticipating widespread commercialization beginning in 2015 and calling for increased investment in refueling infrastructure. Nissan*