Bullying and Harassment School Administrative Unit # 41
New Law vs. the Old Timelines! Reporting Education/Prevention
It’s not just on the school bus anymore Bullying It’s not just on the school bus anymore CYBER BULLYING …
Definition of Bullying 1. Bullying. Bullying is hereby defined as a single significant incident or a pattern of incidents involving a written, verbal, or electronic communication, or a physical act or gesture, or any combination thereof, directed at another pupil which: (1) Physically harms a pupil or damages the pupil’s property; (2) Causes emotional distress to a pupil; (3) Interferes with a pupil’s educational opportunities; (4) Creates a hostile educational environment; or (5) Substantially disrupts the orderly operation of the school.
Definition of Cyber Bullying Cyber bullying: defined as any conduct defined as “bullying” in this policy that is undertaken through the use of electronic devices. For purposes of this policy, any references to the term bullying shall include cyber bullying.
Effects of Bullying Can be severe on the victim Withdrawal Depression Feeling of isolation Frustration Has been linked to violent behavior, including suicides
School Board Policy JICK Further, in accordance with RSA 193-F:4, the District reserves the right to address bullying and, if necessary, impose discipline for bullying that: (1) Occurs on, or is delivered to, school property or a school-sponsored activity or event on or off school property; or (2) Occurs off of school property or outside of a school-sponsored activity or event, if the conduct interferes with a pupil’s educational opportunities or substantially disrupts the orderly operations of the school or school-sponsored activity or event.
How Does Cyber-bullying Take Place? Any communication medium can be used Cell phones - texting Computers IMs Chat rooms Emails Social Networking websites
What Makes Cyber-Bullying Different? Cyber-bullies can either conceal their identity or pose as someone else altogether Kids often exchange passwords, making it possible for the bully to be identified as someone else Send emails, IMs, etc., with someone else’s name in the “From” field Access another’s Myspace/Facebook
What Makes Cyber-Bullying Different? Cyber-Bullying is not face-to-face bullying Can happen behind closed doors - both the bully’s and the victim’s Teachers, parents may never know it has happened unless the victim tells They don’t tell.
Real Life Cases of Cyber-Bullying
What Does The Law Say???
RSAs (Laws) 644:4 Harassment 649-A Child Pornography (“Sexting”) 631:4 Criminal Threatening 644:11 Criminal Defamation
Think before you hit send … Does the picture or video contain anything illegal, dangerous, or embarrassing? Nude and embarrassing pictures sent to one person have been forwarded to everyone in a school and posted online. Fighting videos -- Teens have been convicted from videos they posted Does it identify you? Check for revealing details such as a wide shot of your home, a curb address, a license plate or a T-shirt with the logo for your school. KIDS
Think before you hit send (continued) … Does it violate anyone else’s privacy? You should at the very least get permission from people who are in the picture or video. Especially if you have captured someone doing something that is potentially embarrassing. Are you ready to receive ALL comments? Comments online can be negative, rude, just plain mean. KIDS
Think before you hit send (continued) … Are you willing to give up ownership ? By forwarding or posting online you give up control of where, when, and by whom the picture or video will be viewed. Also, in the future, search engines may be able to search images as easily as they now do words. Imagine yourself as a thirty year old with a job, a family and, perhaps, political ambitions. Will this picture or video still seem like a good idea? KIDS
District Response Principal notified immediately. Parents of alleged victim and perpetrator notified within 48 hrs Investigation completed within 10 days All parties notified of results Letter notifying SAU Action taken Consequences vs. Action
Consequences Referral to Superintendent Staff Referral Administration Investigates Consequences/Action Letter Home/SAU Police Investigation
Report It is very important that you report instances of bullying immediately! Talk to a trusted adult, parent, teacher, counselor and/or administrator. Advocate for your self and others. Have the Courage to Care!
Q & A