WIAA / WOA BASKETBALL Clinic 2014-15 WIAA / WOA BASKETBALL Clinic Welcome to the 2014-15 WIAA / WOA Basketball Clinic.
Rules Changes The next set of slides will review the changes to the NFHS Basketball Rules.
Team Member’s Apparel Rule 3-5-3 Arm, knee and lower-leg sleeves, and tights, are permissible without a medical reason as long as they meet the rules book specifications . Anything worn on the arm and/or leg is a sleeve, except a knee brace, and shall meet the color restrictions. The sleeves/tights shall be black, white, beige or the predominant color of the uniform and the same color sleeves/tights shall be worn by teammates. All sleeves/tights shall be the same solid color. Meet the logo requirements – not to exceed 2 ¼ square inches with no dimension more than 2 ¼ inches. In general, a brace is defined as anything that contains hinges and/or straps or an opening over the knee cap. The player in each of the PlayPics is legal in wearing arm or leg sleeve or tights for no medical reason. Taking away the need for a medical excuse took away the potential for false information to be given.
Team Member’s Apparel Rule 3-5-3 All players of the team must have the same color sleeves or tights, if worn. Player 2 in the first PlayPic is illegally dressed because the sleeves and tights are not of the same color. In PlayPic 2, Player 2 and Player 3 are wearing sleeves and tights of the same color, which makes them legally dressed. ILLEGAL LEGAL
Intentional Foul Rule 4-19-3d Excessive contact committed by any player should be ruled as an intentional foul. An INTENTIONAL FOUL includes excessive contact with an opponent while the ball is live or until an airborne shooter returns to the floor. This addition recognizes an intentional foul ruling should be made against any player, not only on the person with ball. PlayPic 1 shows player 12 and her teammate are exerting excessive force while holding the opponent. PlayPic 2 shows player 15 intentionally fouling the opponent away from the ball.
Intentional Foul Rule 4-19-3d PlayPic 1 shows the player intentionally fouling the shooter. PlayPic 2 shows the defender making contact with the thrower-in. This is an automatic intentional foul with no need to call a delay.
Player Occupying a Marked Lane Space (9-1-3g) A player occupying a marked lane space may not have either foot beyond the vertical plane of the outside edge of any lane boundary, or beyond the vertical plane of any edge of the space (2 inches by 36 inches) designated by a lane-space mark. In the front of the rules book where the changes are outlined, 9-1-4-g should be 9-1-3g. Please make that change. A player occupying a marked lane space may not have either foot beyond the vertical plane of the outside edge of any lane boundary, or beyond the vertical plane of any edge of the space (2 inches by 36 inches) designated by a lane-space mark.
Player Occupying a Marked Lane Space (9-1-3g) A player shall position one foot near the outer edge of the free-throw lane line. The other foot may be positioned anywhere within the designated 36-inch lane space until the ball has been released. A player shall position one foot near the outer edge of the free-throw lane line. The other foot may be positioned anywhere within the designated 36-inch lane space until the ball has been released. Both feet must be within the marked lane space prior to the free thrower receiving ball.
Free Throw Provisions Rule 9-1-3g LEGAL ILLEGAL LEGAL The change in the free throw restrictions allows the players on the lane lines to enter the lane on the release of the ball by the free thrower. The Free thrower and other players behind the free throw line extended and the 3-point line are required to wait until the ball touches the ring or the backboard or the free throw has ended.
Contact Rule 10-6-12 (New) The following acts constitute a foul when committed against a ball handler/dribbler: Placing two hands (front/back) on the player Placing an extended arm bar (forearm that is away from the body) on the dribbler Placing and keeping a hand on the dribbler Contacting the player more than once with the same hand or alternating hands. PlayPic 1 – two hands on the dribbler must be ruled a foul every time. PlayPic 2 – extended arm bar on the dribbler must be ruled a foul every time PlayPic 3 – contacting the ball handler more than once with one hand or alternating hands must be ruled a foul every time. In each of these situations, officials must make the ruling every time to stop the practice of the illegal use of the hands. Coaches will teach the players to back away from the use of the hands if the ruling is consistently made.
Points of Emphasis This section reviews the NFHS Points of Emphasis
Correctable Errors Officials may correct an error if a rule is inadvertently set aside and results in: Failure to award a merited free throw. Awarding an unmerited free throw. Permitting a wrong player to attempt a free throw. Attempting a free throw at the wrong basket. Erroneously counting or cancelling a score. The process for recognizing and making a correctable error: If the error is made during a dead ball, it must be recognized by an official no later than the first dead ball after the clock has properly started. If the error is made while the clock is running and the ball dead, it must recognized by an official before the second live ball.
Frontcourt and Backcourt Ball Status: The status of the ball when considering whether it is in the frontcourt or backcourt is determined by the location of the object that the ball last touched inbounds as long as there is team control inbounds, be it a player, official or the playing court. The determination of the status of the ball when considering whether it is in the front or backcourt is determined by the location of object that the ball last touched inbounds as long as there is team control inbounds, be it a player, official or the playing court.
Frontcourt and Backcourt Status The location of a player is determined by where the player is touching the floor or, in the case of the airborne player, where the player was last in contact with the floor. The location of a player is determined by where the player is touching the floor or, in the case of the airborne player, where the player was last in contact with the floor.
Ball Status When an airborne player gains possession of the ball during a throw in or a jump ball, the player is considered to have no status as related to frontcourt or backcourt if he/she (and only that player) returns to the floor possessing the ball. The location where he/she lands will determine the location of the player and the ball. When an airborne player gains possession of the ball during a throw in or a jump ball, the player is considered to have no status as related to frontcourt or backcourt if he/she (and only that player) returns to the floor possessing the ball. The location where he/she lands will determine the location of the player and the ball.
Frontcourt and Backcourt Status Frontcourt or backcourt status of the ball cannot be established until a player gains control of the ball during a throw-in or a jump ball. The location of the player when control of the ball is gained determines frontcourt or backcourt status of the ball.
Frontcourt and Backcourt Ball Status: The ball is considered to remain in the backcourt while a player is dribbling the ball until both feet of that player and the ball have been in contact with the frontcourt. The ball is considered to remain in the backcourt while a player is dribbling the ball until the players both feet and the ball have been in contact with the frontcourt. When an airborne player gains possession of the ball during a throw in, a jump ball or while on defense they are considered to have no status as related to frontcourt or backcourt if they (and only that player) return to the floor possessing the ball. The location where they land will determine the location of the player and the ball.
Backcourt Rule 9-9-1 A backcourt player passes the ball forward into the frontcourt where it bounces off of a teammate and lands in the backcourt. If the teammate in the backcourt picks up the ball, it is a backcourt violation.
Frontcourt and Backcourt Status In (1), the player with her pivot foot (right foot) in the backcourt can pivot the left foot into the frontcourt and then to the backcourt in (2) without committing a violation. In (3), the player uses her front foot or left foot as her pivot foot and pivots into the frontcourt. However, when she now touches the backcourt in (4), it is a violation
Frontcourt and Backcourt Ball Status: It is recommended to review case plays 4-4-1 and 9-9-1, Situations A-E, in the Case Book. These cases present situations that assist in explaining the status of the ball and player when considering backcourt violations. It is recommended to review case plays 4-4-1 and 9-9-1, Situations A-E, in the Case Book. These cases present situations that assist in explaining the status of the ball and player when considering backcourt violations
Team Control Status During Throw in; Team Control Status Inbounds Since a 2011-12 rule change, team control exists during a throw in when the thrower in has the ball at her/his disposal. The change was made ONLY to eliminate the penalty of administering free throw(s) when a teammate of the thrower in commits a common foul during the throw in Since a 2011-12 rule change, team control exists during a throw in when the thrower in has the ball at her/his disposal. The change was made ONLY to eliminate the penalty of administering free throw(s) when a teammate of the thrower in commits a common foul during the throw in.
Team Conrol Status Inbounds The change made the penalty consistent with the penalty for other team control fouls. The penalty now is the awarding of a throw in to the opposing team at the spot out-of-bounds nearest to where the foul occurred. The change made the penalty consistent with the penalty for other team control fouls. The penalty now is the awarding of a throw in to the opposing team at the spot out-of-bounds nearest to where the foul occurred.
Team Control Status During Throw in; Team Control Status Inbounds NOTE: Team control during a throw in is not intended to be equated to player control status inbounds which creates team control status inbounds. During the throw in, 10-seconds, 3-seconds, frontcourt status, backcourt status, closely guarded, etc. are not factors as there has yet to be player control/team control status obtained inbounds. NOTE: Team control during a throw in is not intended to be equated to player control status inbounds which creates team control status inbounds. During the throw in 10-seconds 3-seconds, frontcourt status, backcourt status, closely guarded, etc are not factors as there has yet to be player control/team control status obtained inbounds.
Team Control on Throw-In A team is in control of the ball when the ball is at the disposal of the player for the throw-in. The penalty for a common foul committed by the throw-in team is a team-control foul and does not warrant free-throw shots
WOA is proud to announce Cliff Keen Athletic as the Exclusive Officials’ Uniform Manufacturer of the WOA. Cliff Keen Athletic is known throughout the world for manufacturing the finest officiating gear you can buy. Cliff Keen, along with the WOA, has developed a Custom Sublimated shirt, exclusively for Basketball officials in Washington State. This shirt may be worn during the regular season and postseason, as long as the entire crew is dressed alike. The shirts can be purchased at any Cliff Keen vendor, including Gerry Davis Sports and Sound Athletic Supply. Washington Basketball Officials Shirt The Short Sleeve SK14VNWA features 1" black and Optic White stripes. No more patches--Your WOA logo is actually dyed directly in the fabric, on the chest, US Flag dyed on the left sleeve, and the WIAA logo is dyed into the shirt on the right sleeve. Best of all, Cliff Keen's proprietary MXS® Loose Gear Fabric performs great in those warm basketball gyms. Moisture-wicking and anti-microbial, Cliff Keen's MXS® Loose Gear fabric is light, comfortable, yet plenty durable to stand up to the rigors of multiple seasons. Quite simply, you won't want to ever wear another shirt while refereeing!
Thank you for your time and commitment to interscholastic BASKETBALL. Have a great season! Thank you for your time and commitment to interscholastic basketball. Hope you have a great season!