Senior Leadership Pathways Seminar 1 - Vision and Values
Vision and Values This seminar will provide you with opportunities to reflect upon and understand: your own vision for your role the need for schools to establish a clear vision and the values which underpin such a vision; the implications which both vision and values have for the current and future practice of the individual and the school the input which a range of stakeholders may legitimately have in this process
Vision and Values Seminar Support Resources: Leading Strategically’ provide a comprehensive resource for this whole area. These materials also include individual & group activities for reflection and discussion – Located in Course Portal Colleagues will also find the Department of Education’s policy publications – ‘Every School a Good School’ and ‘Count, Read to Succeed’ extremely valuable
Your School If your school was a metaphor.. an animal, soap opera, car, object, colour… What would it be & why? What does this tell us about the school?
The Moral Imperative of School Leadership Michael Fullan described four levels of moral imperative.. Level 4 → Making a Difference in Society Level 3 → Making a Difference Beyond the School Level 2 → Making a Difference in the School Level 1 → Making a Difference to Individuals
Small Group Discussion My moral imperative (what counts as important to you) … What do I stand for as an educator? What are the “gifts” that I bring to my work? What do I want my legacy as an educator to be? What can I do to “keep track of myself” — to remember my own heart? How closely is my moral imperative linked to the moral imperative of the school/system? Livsey & Palmer, 1999
What drives the others around you? How do you see and honour the Moral Imperative in others? How do you realise the leadership qualities in others?
Keep it short and snappy… Imagine there are no constraints………. Write a statement describing your vision of your department/year group/subject area/key stage/leadership responsibility….. Keep it short and snappy… No more than 15-20 words…
Effective leaders collaboratively create a vision and establish a climate for people to reach their highest level of achievement…They communicate the vision and direct all actions toward achieving the vision… They demonstrate their personal commitment to the core values and ethos of the school through their daily actions.
Vision Vision without action is a dream. Action without vision is simply passing the time. Action with Vision is making a positive difference.
Vision A vision represents clearly articulated statements of goals, principles – values & beliefs, and expectations for the future of the entire learning community. All staff members recognise it as a common direction of growth, something that inspires them to be better. It becomes a guiding force when all educational decisions are based on its framework and goals.
Vision Nanus (1992) maintains that the "right vision" has five characteristics:- attracts commitment and energises people, creates meaning in for staff, establishes a standard of excellence, bridges the present to the future, & transcends the status quo.
Vision – John West Burnham A vision provides:- The focus for all aspects of school life; Informs planning and the development of policies; Clarifies and prioritises the work of individuals; Helps to articulate shared beliefs & develop a common language & so secures alignment & effective communication; Characterises the organisation to the rest of the world. To meet these functions a vision needs to be derived from three main sources: The moral basis for the school’s work; The core purpose of the school; The desired future state of the school
The School Development Planning Cycle Stage 5: Take action and review progress Stage 1: What is our vision for our school? Stage 2: How well, based on evidence, are we doing? Improving outcomes for all pupils Stage 4: What must we do to make it happen? Stage 3: What more do we want to achieve in 1 to 3 years? Every School a Good School
Vision Reflections In groups of 4/5 reflect on the following questions:- What is your school’s vision statement? How did it come about? What values does it promote? How does it set to improve on present practice ? What does the vision statement express for the future? How do stakeholders identify with it? How is it reviewed and changed? How do you deliver the vision daily? Activity 1 (p6) Study Materials provides an opportunity for an in depth consideration of these issues
Whose Vision? ‘By inviting partners to engage in the discussion about vision, priorities and next steps, you are encouraging them to have ownership of the emerging plans.’ NCSL Who are your school’s partners? How could you engage them in a vision’s discussion? How could you generate ownership?
(Based on John Whitmore, Coaching for Performance, 2009) Coaching Approach …Coaching is about releasing that potential…helping people to learn rather than teaching them (Based on John Whitmore, Coaching for Performance, 2009) Four key things to be thoughtful about when in that zone are:- Ask a question rather than give an answer Ask open-ended questions Use Questions that begin with What, how, when LISTEN – stay SILENT
Coaching Conversation The following questions can be used as a prompt. With your partner listen…… What sense are you making of the vision and its purpose in a school? What does this mean for you as a leader? What actions does this make you thoughtful about as a leader and what might you do about this?
Core Vision & Values It is 5 years from to-day and you have created your most desirable school. What does the school believe education to be ultimately about? What does the school count as important? What are the five most important values that underpin its day-to-day operation?
If the vision was ‘living’ out what would a Key Stage 2/ Year 8/12 pupil experience? What would the pupil say about their understanding of learning in the school? What does this make you thoughtful about in relation to your area of leadership? What will you do about this? Your one ‘small step’….
Five frogs are sitting on a log. Four decide to jump off. How many are left? Answer: five. Why? Because there's a difference between deciding and doing. Mark L. Feldman & Michael F. Spratt, 'Five Frogs on a Log'
Review and Reflection WHAT? SO WHAT? NOW WHAT? What are you taking away with you from this seminar? As a result of my conversations what difference will this make and how will I maintain my learning so it becomes a new habit of mine? -What do I want to keep? -What do I want to stop? -What do I want to start? WHAT? SO WHAT? NOW WHAT? Terry Borton, 1970, Reach, Touch and Teach
Vision and Reality Seminar support Material provides a technique - known as Gap Analysis - to investigate the extent of the match between a school’s current practice and its vision