Shared by Timberley Adams - Watauga High School Multimedia & Webpage Design Capstone Projects and Project-Based Learning Shared by Timberley Adams - Watauga High School
Creative capstone business projects combine elements of all 4 MaWD curriculum units into a promotional packet which can be done as individual projects by spreading components out over the semester as you finish corresponding units. as a 1 week group project at the end of course by dividing up the components between group members.
Curriculum Units A GRAPHICS AND DESKTOP PUBLISHIING 1.00 Understand desktop publishing. 1.01 Investigate typefaces and fonts. 1.02 Investigate design principles and elements. 1.03 Demonstrate desktop publishing. 2.00 Understand graphic image design and computer animation 2.01 Investigate graphic image design. 2.02 Develop computer animations. B MULTIMEDIA AND WEBPAGE DESIGN 3.00 Understand multimedia production. 3.01 Explore multimedia systems and elements. 3.02 Develop multimedia presentations. 4.00 Understand webpage design. 4.01 Examine webpage development and design. 4.02 Develop webpages using various layouts and technologies. Curriculum Units
Students present their finished plans to classmates for evaluation and discussion of overall design and ideas desktop publishing products graphic and multimedia components websites
This capstone project uses the following software Adobe Creative Suite PhotoShop InDesign Illustrator Flash Dreamweaver
Microsoft PowerPoint & Word Google SketchUp Microsoft PowerPoint & Word HTML (Some knowledge may be required to fix various issues. Pages could also be created in HTML. ) Audacity MovieMaker Other software can be used if Adobe or Audacity is unavailable. Gimp, Word, Publisher, Open Office, or even HTML with Notepad.
Capstone Project #1 Imagine: your school decides to start a student-run coffee / ice cream shop after school hours to provide students with entrepreneurial skills and entertainment options.
COOL BEANS COFFEE & ICE CREAM SHOP Located in the school cafeteria/lobby area Hours after school, after ball games, etc… Serving a variety of coffees, teas and other drinks Ice cream, frozen yogurt, and other munchies Featuring Open Mic style entertainment
Why Cool Beans? It’s called Cool Beans because coffee and ice cream use beans (coffee beans and vanilla beans.)
It isn’t like McDonalds. …and because There is no Cool Beans Coffee and Ice Cream Shop with a large well-known media presence or image. This leaves students free to imagine their own designs and logos.
Desktop Publishing (InDesign) Menu any basic menu design 4X6 Advertisement for school newspaper or sports program. Point of Purchase Tabletop Trifold with seasonal or weekly specials Band Application to appear at Open Mic done in Word or InDesign, saved as PDF for insertion in website
Graphics & Design Business Logo (PhotoShop) to be used throughout project Color Scheme Floor Plan (Google SketchUp) 3D showing wall/floor colors, furnishings and decorative elements Vector “Button” images (Illustrator) 2 per link to create rollover buttons
Presentations (PowerPoint) Multimedia Presentations (PowerPoint) Explaining and presenting all their ideas and choices for designs, floor plans, furnishings, menus and websites Simple Animations (Flash) 1 for each page in the website Edited Sound Clips (Audacity) For featured entertainment
Webpage Design 4 Page (Minimum) Website Splash Restaurant Home Page, Coffee Page, Ice Cream Page and an Entertainment Page Features: rollover navigation buttons, flash animation, short sound files of featured bands, links to PDF files of their menu and an application for bands to perform at Open Mic.
The final presentations Students present their work as if they were approaching the school board with this idea. Fellow classmates will watch and be given a chance to ask questions about choices made. No questions about financing (we assume that part is acceptable, and that anything goes as far as the need to repaint, carpet or purchase furniture.) Fellow classmates are given rating sheets to evaluate both the ideas and professionalism of the presenter.
Capstone Project Idea #2 SHOES! This idea works well for MaWD! It also fits in with the Personal Finance unit on consumer behavior / marketing.
Design your own shoe With The Use Of Online Sites Students must decide their shoe’s purpose and target market. This will determine how they create the following: Shoe design, color schemes & price range Shoe Logo & Name Print Advertising design & placement Celebrity for endorsements Broadcast Media scripts & placement
PhotoShop Shoe Design from an online site with an added Logo for the student’s brand name Remove other logos to add student logo or trademark Celebrity endorsement photos With shoe if possible
TV Script Audacity InDesign (Or PhotoShop or Publisher or Word) Full page magazine advertisement Audacity 30-60 second radio commercial TV Script Writen script- shows what is being said, what is being seen, AND what is being heard in the background.
PowerPoint Formal presentation of ideas & promotional plans Shoe design and Logo / Name Benefits of their shoe Celebrity chosen for endorsement Magazine Ad and list of magazines it will run in TV Script or recorded Radio commercial and list of stations and time frames it will run.
NOT YOUR ORDINARY NASCAR DRIVERS! Students will incorporate a more diverse idea of NASCAR by designing a promotional website for a new FEMALE NASCAR DRIVER.
The more sponsors pay the better position, and bigger their name appears on the driver’s uniform and on the car. Notice the size and placement of Sponsor notes
Congratulations Thunder Valley Racing has hired you to work for one its newest female drivers. You may choose one driver from Thunder Valley’s list. See TVR
You need to decide on your target market and possible products for a female driver. Come up with a list of sponsors, and logos that are appropriate for your new driver. Find photos of the driver, preferably one with a uniform on. (Use PhotoShop adjust colors with the magic wand and hue and add appropriate logos to the uniform and if needed find a separate photo of a uniform and add her head.) Do the same with a car photo. Use PhotoShop to change color scheme and add appropriate logos to the front/rear and sides . Use liquify and warp to shape the logo to the car’s curves.
Create a website with pages for: Driver’s Biography & pictures (1 w/uniform) Sponsors page & schedule. (Car photo goes here. Include links to sponsor sites) Thunder Valley Racing Info (w/ link to the site) Incorporate sounds and special effects like rollovers, flash animation, special theme song, and slideshow. Possible Social Media Connection - research and design a possible Facebook or Blog site – don’t upload it just show an example or sketch up a design.
Programs you will use: 1-PhotoShop for graphic images 2-Dreamweaver for webpage creation 3-HTML Code for adjusting page setup 4- Internet Explorer for research and artwork 5- Flash for animation. 6-Audacity to edit theme song. 7-PowerPoint for slideshow **Use frames and tables, for your site. Your driver’s name should be at the top with a consistent color scheme and your navigation links show up on the left side. Use a welcome (splash) page.
Project Idea #4 Promote A Band! Intensity Records Radio Station Promotion Pack Create Public Relations Media Packets for their new “up and coming” band with students creating the logos and promotional materials.
Radio Station Promotion Pack Prepare a promotion “kit” for your local radio station for your band. The media kit should contain the following: Letter of introduction/explanation on your record company’s stationary. Include a letter that features the company logo at the top of the stationary with the letter typed underneath. Tell who/what your music company is. Tell who your group is and what they play. Include a group promotional photo with band logo.
Tell them about the show at Legends. (Or your own local music venue.) Include the flyer for their Legends show. Offer a live interview opportunity for the station when the band is in town. Tell about the group’s new CD and include a CD for the station to play. Include your “CD” Cover Design Tell them that the group also has lots of merchandise to sell at their performances Include merchandise sheet(s.)
Tell the station that you have included 2 backstage passes the station to use and 2 additional passes for them to give away as contest prizes. Include a backstage pass For the band’s appearance with band logo and/or picture, date of show, etc… (print one copy of it.)
Eligible group names: Hysteria * Krud * Sludge * Slacker Doll Face * Silk * Barbie Killers * Good Ol’ Boys Cowgirl Up * PFC * Geezer Hyper * OxyGen * O-zone Teachers want to use group names that don’t exist so that they can’t reproduce ideas that you may not be familiar with. (Look online to be sure.)
Public Relations Media Packet Things Your Bands Need: (You need to put the following in a packet with your business letter) Band logo and band “photo” PHOTOSHOP Flyer for appearance at Legends (8.5X11) INDESIGN Backstage Pass for the show. (4X6) INDESIGN CD cover (front cover only) must show band logo and record company logo. INDESIGN Band merchandise catalog page with pictures and prices offering at least 2 tee shirt styles, 1 cap, and at least 1 other object. (Merchandise pictures should be showing the bands’ logos and / or photo on the items). PHOTOSHOP Tee shirt design picture size (4X6) PHOTOSHOP Catalog page size (8.5X11) PHOTOSHOP AND/OR INDESIGN ONE STEP FARTHER: Possible Band Music Video or promotional spot and /or Webpage (Add “the band’s URL” to the letter if you add this project)
Programs you will use: PhotoShop for graphic images Internet Explorer for research and artwork InDesign for desktop publishing documents. Possibly Dreamweaver for webpage creation Possibly Moviemaker to edit your band’s new promotional video. PowerPoint to show all of their ideas to the class if you add the additional Project components