The Russian Revolution A Revolution in Russia in 1917 ended three centuries of rule by czars. It led to the establishment of the world’s first communist government. Communism has since spread to other countries and has had a significant impact on international relations.
Vocabulary Czar (Tsar, Tzar) – An emperor or king. An autocratic ruler or leader. Aristocrats – Wealthy citizens who supported the Czar. Communism – A system of social organization in which all economic and social activity is controlled by a totalitarian state dominated by a single political party. Serfs – Poor peasants who lived and worked the land of the aristocrats. Collective Farm – A farm or a number of farms organized as a unit, worked by a community under the supervision of the state.
Causes of the Russian Revolution
Cause #1: People were unhappy with the rule of the Romanov czars. The Romanov czars ruled as absolute monarchs. Most people in Russia were poor peasants called serfs who lived and worked on land owned by aristocrats (think Middle Ages). Aristocrats were given political power over the peasants. Serfs had to pay taxes, stay on the land where they were born, serve in the army and were poorly educated. Student protests, peasant revolts and worker strikes became common in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Czar Nicholas & his family
Cause #2: The Industrial Revolution The industrial revolution did not spread to Russia. The Russian people did not experience the same benefits that people in Western Europe did. Cause #3: The Russo-Japanese War The war ended in a humiliating defeat for Russia and clearly showed that rule by czars was weak and disorganized.
Cause #4: World War I Rasputin Russia was unprepared when attacked by Germany in 1914. In the middle of the war, Czar Nicholas replaced experienced government officials with weak, unpopular men. Nicholas had fallen under the influence of Grigori Rasputin, a holy man and adviser who he thought was saving the life of his sick son. The people were very suspicious of Rasputin. The wars brought shortages of food, fuel, and housing. Russian armies were defeated and nearly 2 million people lost their lives. The losses and casualties of WWI made people believe Czar Nicholas was an incompetent ruler. Rasputin
The Revolution of 1917 Revolution was led by a man named Lenin who promised the Russian people what they wanted most – peace, bread, and land. Shortages of bread and coal prompted riots and strikes. Soldiers sent to end the violent protests sided with demonstrators instead. Aristocrats and educated Russians joined the revolution against Czar Nicholas. Lacking political support, Nicholas resigned from power.
Lenin’s NEP (New Economic Policy) Lenin wanted to accomplish specific goals: Peasants were allowed to keep some of their produce to sell for profit. Small traders were allowed to set up businesses. Regulate supply and production of goods and services Generate money to help industrialize Russia Secure Russia for Communism
1918 – Bolsheviks (later called Communists) took over the government. One of the first acts by the Bolsheviks was to sign a peace treaty with Germany ending Russian involvement in WWI. The Bolsheviks also ordered the execution of Czar Nicholas and his family. Lenin became the first dictator of Communist Russia and began putting into practice ideas he had developed after studying the writings of Karl Marx. A civil war broke out in which the communists (called ‘reds’ after the color of their flag) defeated the anti-communists (called ‘whites’).
U.S.S.R. – Union of Soviet Socialist Republics The government declared that it owned all land, industries, banks and railroads. Organized religious worship was discouraged. Class differences were ordered to be ended. The Communist party was the only political party allowed to exist.
Joseph Stalin Lenin died in 1924 and was succeeded in power by Joseph Stalin. Stalin forced peasants to give up their land and work on collective farms. New industrial and agricultural policies raised the standard of living for most Russians to a higher level than it had been under the czars. Rule by terror and force reached a peak under Stalin. He would not tolerate any form of disagreement with his policies. Millions of Russians were put to death or imprisoned on Stalin’s orders.
Results of the Russian Revolution… Results of the Russian Revolution…. Under Communism, the government gradually took over ownership of land, factories, mines, banks, and railroads. Lenin’s NEP (new economic policy) and Stalin’s “Five Year Plans” greatly improved Russia’s economy Under communist control, Russia developed into one of the world’s leading industrial nations. The Communist party was the only political party allowed in Russia. Lenin – the ‘Father of Communism’ – used force and terror against his opponents. In the mid-1930s, Stalin used the “Great Purge” to arrest or put to death thousands of party officials, army officers, and factory managers that he thought were “enemies of the people” Millions were sent by the secret police to labor camps
Results….. More Communist governments in other countries. Russia refused to withdraw from nations in Eastern Europe occupied during the Red Army’s campaign against Germany. Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and East Germany became Russian “satellites” with communist governments loyal to the Soviet Union. This was the first event in the “Cold War” – a period of time that brought international tension and the threat of war between the Soviet Union and the United States.
Communism in the Soviet Union All media (radio, t.v., newspapers) were controlled by the government. The amount and variety of consumer goods was limited by what the government decided to produce. The government decided what prices should be charged for goods and services. Education and medical services were free. Travel to other countries was restricted Citizens were punished for criticizing leaders of the Communist party
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