The Cold War Heats Up Chapter 19 Section 2
*The Marshall Plan 1947, by G Marshall *Plan to help Europe recover from the war & become economically strong democracies. *17 W. European nations received $15 billion in financial aid in $, food, & supplies Wanted to prevent Communism from gaining power in Europe.
*The Berlin Blockade, June 1948* Berlin was divided in two - West Berlin (capitalist) & East Berlin (Communist). Stalin did not allow any shipments into West Berlin through East Germany, creating a blockade. 1st Conflict between the Superpowers!
Brainstorm: How do you get needed supplies to the Western half of Berlin without starting WWIII?
*The Berlin Airlift *Allied nations airlifted thousands of tons of food, fuel, & supplies to West Berlin. Landed a plane every 60 sec at 3 airports. Soviet blockade ended May 1949 (11months), Berlin remained a focal point of Cold War conflict.
*NATO *The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), formed April 1949. *The United States, Canada, & Western European nations pledged to support one another in mutual defense against communist nations. Democratic alliance Goal: *Unite Western Europe In response to the threat of communism NATO flag
Looking at the map, where are most NATO countries located?
*The Warsaw Pact* Military alliance between the Soviet Union & its satellite nations Communist alliance formed in response to NATO
*NATO vs Warsaw Pact = competing military alliances What Warsaw Pact member was isolated (by itself)? What NATO member was the northernmost member? Southernmost?
PRECURSOR At the end of World War II, Germany was divided into four zones. While the French, British and American cooperated, the Soviet zone grew more isolated. This fence separated friends in Berlin in 1953.
A defecting East German soldier, Conrad Schuman, leaps over a barbed wire barricade at the Bernauer Street sector into West Berlin on Aug. 15, 1961. Schuman made his break for freedom to join his family, which had fled earlier to West Berlin.
Building the Berlin Wall
Construction of the Berlin Wall began August 1961 Construction of the Berlin Wall began August 1961
An East German soldier, right, monitors a construction worker who mends the wall in 1962.
DIVIDED The erection of the wall split families in half DIVIDED The erection of the wall split families in half. Many eastern Berliners were cut off from their jobs.
Halvorsen's bunk becomes a factory for miniature parachutes weighted with Lyons chocolate
A hot-air balloon lies draped over shrubbery in the Bavarian town of Naila near the East German border on Sept. 16, 1979. Two couples and their four children used the balloon to escape to West Germany.
SOLIDARITY Unable to stop the construction of the wall, President John F. Kennedy made a symbolic visit to the Brandenburg Gate in June, 1963, where, in a speech intended to demonstrate his unity with the citizens of West Berlin, he declared, ICH BIN EIN BERLINER, I am a Berliner.
ACROSS THE DIVIDE A daughter who escaped to the West talks to her mother over the wall.
US Army tanks (foreground) faced off against Soviet tanks at the Berlin Wall, Friedrichstrasse, and Checkpoint Charlie on Oct. 27 and 28, 1961, for perilous hours in a dispute over unrestricted American access to the Communist-ruled sector of the city
Klaus-Michael von Keussler of West Berlin prepares to dig a tunnel underneath the Wall in Nov. 1963. Almost a year later Keussler and others completed the tunnel, allowing 57 East Germans to crawl into West Berlin.
East German border guards carry away Peter Fechter, after they shot him down as he tried to flee to the west. Fechter laid for 50 minutes in no-man's land before he was taken to a hospital. He died shortly after arriving. Fechter became the first of at least 125 people who would die while trying to escape East Germany by climbing over the Wall.
The Brandenburg Gate is sealed off by the Wall in the Soviet-occupied sector of East Berlin on Nov. 1961.
http://www. youtube. com/watch
NO LONGER DIVIDED On November 9, 1989, East German leader Egon Krenz rescinded travel restrictions for East Germans and tens of thousands of them flooded the checkpoints along the wall, demanding entry into the West. In the face of the growing crowd, the guards yielded.
Review Questions What was the goal of the Marshall Plan? What was the 1st conflict between the U.S. & USSR? How did the U.S. combat the Berlin Blockade? What is NATO? What was its goal? How did the Soviet nations respond to NATO?