Vice President and IC3 Credential Manager Gary Fluitt Vice President and IC3 Credential Manager • Introduced at GPS San Diego. 1 year at Certiport. Dog years. • Been around the industry. Certiport has the most Talent. • Video- Jefferson County Schools. Chair said Industry demands individuals bring more to the table. Experience and Certification • Competitive landscape both academic and profession is demanding that students have these skills • This is what we’re so excited about with IC3. college ready, Workforce ready, and tech ready if they choose to go on to HP, MTA, MOS, Adobe, and Autodesk.
IC3 Uploads 2001-2011 In 2011 we delivered 675K exams around the world. IF NO Applause > This is the where you clap IF APPLAUSE > I should be applauding you fastest growing certification in the world. another one of those applause ready sound bites ECDL and Cambridge they should be be very afraid of this trend. 10 year anniversary of the credential. shows the commitment
2.4M Exams Delivered 500K Certified IC3 To Date 2.4M Exams Delivered 500K Certified 2.4M IC3 exams around the world. 3 Exams, boils down to over half a million exams. Lots of companies would kill for these numbers. Biggest little Certification in the World
A Trully Global Certification 27% 3% 44% Europe 1% 7% U.S. & Canada China MEA 7% 11% APAC LATAM • So where is all this success coming from? • BNR and Global Skills in MEA account for a third • U.S. Volume improved by 17% this year. • In Latin America ETC, UNESCO, ISTE, in HDT Mexico total reform to Mexican education system • CPC in Mainland 168 Schools 23 provinces 60% growth • Europe seeing wins coming from Germany, Austria, Macedonia and Russia • APAC is being led by IIG in Vietnam and Prestariang in Malaysia
Top 10 IC3 Countries by exam volume - 2011 • US tops the list in terms of country volume. No surprise there given multiple partners and Direct Sales efforts • Iraq, with a population 1/10th the US Is doing over 135K exams in HE • Oman with 1% of the US population did 70% as much volume as the U.S. • China increased volume by 60%, successful Competitions on mainland with 40,000 uploads • Peru, our partner Senati did tremendous work With IC3
Winning around the world with IC3 UNESCO officially unendorsed ICDL College of Southern Nevada China Railway Launches IC3 and IC3 competition Tallahassee Community College IC3 makes debut in Vietnam with IIG Mexico HDT Teacher Accreditation BNR delivers 135K exams in Iraq Global Skills wins renewal with Omani gov’t to cont. delivering IC3 for Civil Servants Senati Peru • Some other success stories to talk about. • In Vietnam IIG will be delivering 80K exams this year certifying teachers, and 200,000 exams for students • Tallahassee CC serves 20K students req, IC3 serves as Mandatory computer literacy req. • College of Southern Nevada service 40K students adopts IC3 as an option for students to test out of CS101 • Mexico, ETC is training and certifying 180K teachers as part of HDT, with UNESCO and ISTE • And in Europe, thanks to Quinn UNESCO puts in writing that they no longer endorse ICDL
Winning Endorsements renew our efforts in getting IC3 endorsements International Society for Technology in Education American Council on Education with has renewed their endorsement Re-launching the Global Digital Literacy Council
IC3 Global Standard 4 • Most of you know about GS4 • On your request we’re keeping the same format & names • We’re nearly done with content development • In beta on Key Apps now, CF next, in Sept. • Improved logo
What’s new in GS4 Completely Rewritten More Simulations HTML5/Hammer Search, Cloud, DB Windows 7/Office 2010 Completely rewritten item pool, 400 new items Simulations Based on HTML5 More Sims, better performance New objectives on Search, Cloud, and Database Windows 7, Office 2010 Fully aligned with ISTE NETs Std. Vetted with GDLC
GS4 Pathway products Curricula from multiple vendors Certiport-created Practice Tests 9 Languages for GS4 and Practice ENU, ESP, ARA, CHT, CHS, JPN, ITL, PTB, GER Highest level of support ever for IC3 GS4 support Localization English, Arabic, Spanish, T. Chinese, S. Chinese, Japanese, German, Brazilian Portuguese, Italian Practice Tests in local Languages FastTrack Assessment for GS4 Practice Test Reporting Features Curriculum from CCI, Cengage, Pearson, Teknimedia, and LearnKey
IC3 for Offline and Low Bandwidth Biggest Goal for 2012 Local Server Version Avail Now Running LMS in iQ System Solution by end 2012 Biggest goal for IC3 for remainder of 2012 solve the performance Made progress on local servers but more to do Considering LMS Exams delivered through iQ System Working to have a solution by End of Year 2012
IC3 4-Year Product Plan GS4 2012 GS4.5 2013 GS5 2014 GS5.5 2015 Windows 7 Office 2010 Item Pool Refresh Localizations Windows 8 Office 2015 Item Refresh Localizations GS4 2012 GS4.5 2013 GS5 2014 GS5.5 2015 August – Key Applications August – Computing Fund. Sept. – Living Online Practice Exams on MUP Oct./Nov. Localizations December/Jan. This shows you the 4YR Plan for IC3 Release Dates for GS4 Localization through the remainder of 2012 Minor update in 2013, additional languages Major update in 2 years, GS5 Minor update in the Odd years, Majors in Evens
Gary Fluitt Vice President and IC3 Credential Manager 303.359.6062 Thank you for your support of the IC3 program. It is the second largest program that we have at Certiport very strong momentum coming into this year. With your continued support for the program we can do some great business with IC3 and I look forward to working with you to make that happen. Thanks