Team manager & concession and admissions Team manager roles & responsibilities Concessions & Admissions Each team is encouraged to identify a team manager. This role supports the coach by ensuring communication with the players and the coach Responsible for concessions and admissions Keeps the scorebook at home and away games. A scorebook will be provided to each team. Managers can communicate with Tammy Alves & Kara Calandrello should they have any issues with volunteers Don’t be afraid to create a schedule and let families know they have been “Volun-TOLD” Each team will be responsible for staffing the concession and admissions during their home game time. Organize, collect money, and purchase baked goods from each team member for the team’s assigned concession weekend. Organize volunteers to staff the concessions, this includes preparing hot dogs and restocking between games. Organize volunteers to staff the front door to collect entrance admissions This year we are planning a separate table to collect entrance fees. Create an assigned time slot for each family GREAT OPPURTUNITY FOR SERVICE HOURS!!