The American Pageant: Chapter 38 The Eisenhower Era The American Pageant: Chapter 38
Election of 1952 Lack of support for Truman; Dems nominated Stevenson Republicans: Eisenhower/Nixon (anti-communist) “Checkers Speech” Emotional television speech Campaign funding
Election of 1952
End of Korean War Ike threatened to use nuclear weapons on North Korea July 1952 – armistice signed ending the war Korea remained divided at the 38th parallel
Joseph McCarthy Anti Communist rhetoric Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations Had largest affect on free speech Widely supported Accused Sec. of State Acheson of employing 205 Communists Proved to be false Attacked U.S. army Condemned by Senate for “conduct unbecoming a member”
Joseph McCarthy
Jim Crow Laws In place from 1876-1965 Schools, public places and transportation “Separate but Equal”
An American Dilemma (1944) Gunnar Myrdal “All men are created equal…”
Separate and Unequal Rosa Parks Sweatt vs. Painter 1950 December 1955 Ruled that separate back schools Rosa Parks December 1955 Montgomery, AL Refused to give up seat Yearlong boycott of buses
Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka Kansas (1954) Segregation in public schools was unequal and unconstitutional Reversed Plessy V. Ferguson “Declaration of Constitutional Principles” Southern resistance to ruling
Little Rock September 1957 Gov. Faubus (AK) mobilized National Guard to prevent Little Rock 9 from entering Central High School Eisenhower responded by sending troops to walk students in.
Eisenhower’s Policies Balance the budget 1959 – largest peacetime deficit Guard America from socialism Wanted to end reservation system and assimilate Native Americans Support Interstate Highway act of 1956
Operation “Wetback” Ended bracero program Deported over 1 million Mexican Americans
Foreign Policy Strategic Air Command (SAC) Creation of superbombers Geneva summit conference 1955 Peace talks rejected by Nikita Khrushchev
Lead up to Vietnam Move to throw French out of Vietnam Ho Chi Minh, leader of Vietnam, becoming Communistic May 1954: French garrison trapped in Dienbienphu Fell to the nationalists