Declaration on Best Tyres
EU Tyre label D EUROCITIES WGN was lobbying for quieter tyres some years ago
The average tyre label in NL I assume that it is the same in other MS
+4 dB 1 Extra fuel costs per year (17000 km/yr) 2 Extra braking distance wet road at 80 km/h (Braking distance A=27 m) 3 Noise* A: 2 times as quiet B: average C: 2 times as loud * Doubling noise is 3 dB 1 2 0 € 0 m +30 € +3 m +90 € +6 m - - +150 € +10 m +220 € +14 m +250 € - C 3 B A +4 dB Euronoise 2015, Maastricht 17-9-201817-9-2018
Potential benefits of moving to Best (possible) Tyres Studies TNO for NLs, EU and Rotterdam Metropolitan Area Studies TNO for car fleets Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Dutch Road Authority
Benefits Best Tyres in EU
Carfleets on A-tyres for Energy (correct tyre pressure) Potential benefits RWS (Nat. Road Authority NL) Amsterdam Rotterdam Number of vehicles 1575 781 1097 Vehicle average [ km/yr ] 26000 17200 17300 Annual fuel savings (correct pressure) [ thousands ltr] 152 (26) 147 (33) 200 (45) Annual CO2 reduction [ ton CO2] 388 379 514 Annual savings [€] 237000 224000 304000 Annual savings per vehicle [€] 150 287 277
Declaration on Best Tyres We Cities, aware that EU urban traffic causes: Traffic accidents: 10,000 deaths in 2010 Poor air quality: 33% citizens exposed > Air Q. limits Climate change: one of the biggest contributer to CO2 Noise exposure: 50% citizens exposed > 55 dB LDEN 15 % citizens exposed > 65 dB LDEN 10,000 premature deaths Traffic largest contributor in urban areas We also know that Better Tyres: have major benefits are widely available do not/hardly cost more
Declaration on Best Tyres We (Euro)cities declare to: provide municipal fleets with ‘Best Tyres’ organise to keep the fleets at correct tyre pressure include ‘Best Tyres’ in our Green Procurement policy promote the use of ‘Best Tyres’ call upon citizens and fleet-owners to apply ‘Best Tyres’ report every 2 years to monitor progress