No Headache Homophones 0201.1.8 Understand and spell basic words that sound the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings (homophones- flower/flour).
Homophones are words that sound the same. Homophones have different meanings.
Here are examples of some homophones. ant / aunt ate / eight chews / choose die / dye flour / flower
Hair Hare
Meet Meat
Mood Mooed
Sun Son
War Wore
Flu Flew
Let’s Practice Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.
I need the _______ paint. blue blew
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I need the _______ paint. blue blew
I need to blow my _____. knows nose
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I need to blow my _____. knows nose
My dog can shake with his ______. pause paws
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My dog can shake with his ______. pause paws
May I have a ______ of the pizza? piece peace
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May I have a ______ of the pizza? piece peace
Congratulations! No more homophone headaches!