Section 2 American Power Tips the Balance Chapter 11 Section 2 American Power Tips the Balance
#1 How did the U.S. raise an army? 1917 Selective Service Act – requires men to register with the government in order to be randomly selected for military service 24 million register/ 3 million called up 400,000 African-Americans serve (denied from navy and marines) 8 month training (often with no weapons!) Women volunteer in non-combat positions
#2 How did U.S. soldiers help win the war? Attitude, enthusiasm Helped to stop German advances in France Replaced the loss of Russian soldiers
#3 How did the U.S. build its naval force? Exempted shipyard workers from draft Public relations campaign Fabrication techniques Converted private/commercial ships for war use
#4 How did the Navy help win the war? Broke German blockade by convincing British to use convoy system Placed mines across North Sea
#5 New Weapons Machines guns Tanks Airplanes Poison gas
Civilian deaths 11 million Military deaths Injuries 20 million #6 and #7 Costs of War Civilian deaths 11 million Military deaths Injuries 20 million Refugees 10 million Cost $338 billion U.S. deaths 48,000 U.S. wounded 200,000
Part B Alvin York – with help of 6 doughboys, killed 25 Germans and captured 132 prisoners Conscientious objector – a person who opposes warfare on moral grounds Eddie Rickenbacker – fighter pilot of WWI