European Explorers In North America


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Presentation transcript:

European Explorers In North America 5th Grade Review

Spain, France, and England great riches spread Christianity empires Name the three European countries that were in competition to extend their influence and power to the newly discovered continent of North America. _______________________________ Each of these three countries were motivated by the promise of ____________, a desire to ________________________, and a drive to expand their __________ and _______________. These are also known as competitive forces. As the European explorers set out to claim the vast lands of North America, they faced many obstacles. Name the four major obstacles they faced: 1). __________________________________ 2). __________________________________ 3). __________________________________ 4). __________________________________ Name the three major accomplishments of these European explorers. 1). _________________________________________________________________ 2). _________________________________________________________________ 3). _________________________________________________________________ Spain, France, and England great riches spread Christianity empires cultures Poor maps and navigational tools A lack of adequate supplies Disease and starvation Fear of the unknown An exchange of ideas and goods between Europeans and Indians Improved navigational tools and ships The major European powers claimed huge areas of land

The Mariner's Astrolabe was used to determine the latitude of a ship at sea by measuring the noon altitude of the Sun or the meridian altitude of a star of known declination. It was not possible to determine longitude at sea in the early days of transoceanic navigation, but it was quite easy to determine latitude. To go to a place of known latitude, the ship was sailed to that latitude and then sailed east or west along the latitude line until the place was reached.

Cabot explored eastern Canada for England!   John Cabot In 1497, Italian navigator John Cabot sailed from England (sponsor country) to North America. He was trying to find a Northwest Passage to Asia. Cabot explored the coasts of present-day Labrador and Newfoundland in eastern Canada.

Coronado claimed land in the southwestern U.S. for Spain!        Explorations of Coronado Spanish explorer Francisco Vásquez de Coronado led one of the earliest European expeditions to the Colorado River region in 1540 and 1541. Coronado was in search of gold or other riches that were rumored to exist in the legendary Seven Cities of Cibola, which were thought to be located in the Southwest. Members of Coronado’s party did not find the Seven Cities, but they probably did become the first Europeans to view the Grand Canyon.

Champlain established the French settlement of Quebec! Samuel de Champlain Samuel de Champlain was a French explorer who, in 1608, founded the Canadian city of Québec as a fur-trading post. Champlain befriended the Algonquin and Hurons in the area. With a party of indigenous peoples and two French companions, Champlain led a raid on the Iroquois, who were defeated largely because the Europeans had firearms.

Sieur de La Salle Claims Louisiana Territory LaSalle claimed the Mississippi River Valley for France! Sieur de La Salle Claims Louisiana Territory Sieur de La Salle settled in Canada in 1666. La Salle received a land grant near Montréal and entered the fur trade. He also began exploring the North American continent. During an expedition on the Mississippi River in 1682, La Salle claimed the entire Mississippi Valley for France, naming the territory Louisiana.

Areas of Cooperation between the Europeans Areas of Conflict between the Europeans Farm animals Transportation of firearms and farm tools (technologies) Trade Desire of English to spread Christianity Crops Land Competition for trade Disease Language differences

Cultural Interactions of Each European Ethnicity: Spanish Conquered and enslaved Indians Brought Christianity to the New World Introduced European diseases into the New World

Cultural Interactions of Each European Ethnicity: French Established trading posts in the New World Spread Christianity

Cultural Interactions of Each European Ethnicity: English Established settlements and claimed ownership of land Learned farming techniques from American Indians Traded

Timeline England 1497-1498 Made two voyages under English flag. Explored Cape Breton Island and Nova Scotia; also sailed along E and W coasts of Greenland, E coast of Labrador, W coast of Baffin Island, and a portion of S coast of Newfoundland. John Cabot Francisco Vásquez de Coronado Spain 1540-1542 Traced Colorado R. northward, and sighted Grand Canyon; explored S California, New Mexico, N Arizona, N Texas, Oklahoma, and E Kansas. France 1603-1613 Traced course of Saint Lawrence R. northward to Lachine Rapids above Montréal, explored the E coast of North America S from Nova Scotia to Vineyard Haven, founded and named Québec, and explored Lake Champlain. Samuel de Champlain Sieur de La Salle France 1682 Traced Mississippi R. to its mouth in Gulf of Mexico