New Nations in Africa (34.3)
The Negritude Movement a movement to celebrate African culture, heritage, and values among French-speaking Africans and West Indians
Ghana formerly British colony of the Gold Coast; led to independence by Kwame Nkrumah
Kenya formerly British East Africa; led to independence by Jomo Kenyatta and guerilla tactics of the Mau Mau
Algeria Algerian National Liberation Front (FLN) successfully fought the French to gain independence; led by Ahmed Ben Bella
Congo granted independence from Belgium in 1960; Mobutu Sese Seko seized power in 1965 and ruled Zaire for 32 years
Angola fought for independence from Portugal (achieved in 1975), then fought a long civil war - communist forces (supported by Cuba and the Soviet Union) vs. democratic forces (supported by the U.S. and South Africa)