Topic: Decolonization in the 20th Century in India, Israel, and Africa EQ: What problems faced the former colonies after they were decolonized? Bell Ringer: Why had colonies been established in the first place (Hint – the I of MAIN causes of World War I)?
Review: Between WWI and WWII, movements for independence (begun by nationalism) began in earnest in Africa and Asia. During the beginning of the Cold War, many of the European colony power houses had weakened Decolonization: the process of becoming free of colonial status and achieving statehood Dominance of colonial powers seemed at odds with Allied goals in WWII.
Call for national self-determination – fight for independence. Empires reluctant to let colonies go. The rise of nationalism among the colonized peoples coupled with the weakening of the European colonial powers after World War II brings about decolonization of Africa and Asia. This was aided by the shift in power to the USSR and the United States as the two super powers of the world
History of the Nationalist Movement: India Indian National Congress party founded in 1885. (Elite group not mass movement) Growth of Indian national identity- presented grievances to the British. Congress party attracted mass following which opposed shift from the production of food to commercial crops. Gandhi and Congress leadership tried to prevent mass peasant uprising (as was happening in China) by keeping power centered on middle class leaders.
Peaceful Protests Mohandas Gandhi and other western educated lawyers led peaceful alternative protests. (Civil Disobedience – Martin Luther King Jr. adopted this ) Nation-wide protest against colonialism through boycotts and campaigns of civil resistance such as the Salt March in 1931 and the Government of India Act in 1935 His efforts were not well received by the Muslims who formed a separate organization in 1906, The Muslim League. Muhammad Ali Jinnah (Muslim League) insisted on partitioned state (Hindu and Muslim).
Indian Independence August 1947 Pakistan and India gained independence. Mass killings of Muslims and Hindus (1 million) followed by mass migrations (12 million). (Gandhi fasted to prevent war and was assassinated) Jawaharlal Nehru, first Prime Minister, began modernization campaign of India.
Palestine and Israel The Question of Palestine British reduced Jewish immigration in Palestine in 1930s. Zionists turned to U.S. for support. Truman administration approved independent Jewish state in Palestine after the discovery of the Holocaust. May 14, 1948, UN proclaimed new state of Israel Arab states refused to recognize existence of Israel
Decolonization of Africa
Africa: The Struggle for Independence After WWII, colonial rule in Africa would have to end. However, as the colonial powers withdrew, little was done to prepare the colonies for self-rule. Political organizations formed pre-war Convention People’s Party: Kwame Nkrumah Kenya African National Union: Jomo Kenyatta Most political activities were non-violent. Constituents were primarily merchants, urban professionals, and members of labor unions.
Ghana Gains Independence Ghana gained independence from Great Britain in 1957. Kwame Nkrumah was the name of the leader He was educated abroad, and a school teacher Led the push for independence through non-violence
Kenya Gains Independence London educated Jomo Kenyatta provided strong nationalist leadership. Mau Mau Rebellions made up of Kikuyu farmers weaken British settlers opposition. Won Independence in 1963
Decolonization of Africa Timeline In 1960 the French granted complete independence to Senegal, Togo, Niger, Gabon, Chad, Mali, the Ivory Coast, Ubangi-Shari (which became the Central African Republic), the Congo Republic. 1960: Great Britain gave Nigeria its independence 1962: Belgium granted independence to Burundi and Rwanda
Decolonization of Africa Timeline For many years, the white settlers in these colonies had the right to vote. They used this vote to elect representatives who passed laws that protected the power of the European settlers and discriminated against Africans. In South Africa, these laws protecting the power of the whites who lived in South Africa became known as apartheid African nationalist leaders believed that if franchise was the right of all citizens, the majority population would use their vote to bring in majority, independent African rule
New Nations Review India gained independence from Britain in 1947, led by Gandhi. Palestine gained independence from Britain in 1947. Israel become a new nation in 1949 (created as an apology for the Holocaust). The Palestinians refuse nationhood. This would lead to conflicts throughout the 20th and 21st century. By 1965 most former European colonies had become newly created independent nation-states. Many new nations, like India, attempted to remain neutral in Cold War (non-aligned). Neutral nations were put at odds with the U.S., who tried to mobilize all nations against the communist threat
In the 1970s, as the colonized people gained independence, the world-wide split between the North –rich industrial nations—and the South – poor “third world” nations—grew wider. Poverty: International Gaming Industry. Poverty Relief Project. Video on Decolonization