NC Zero Harm Conference NCMMA UPDATE NC Zero Harm Conference 1 February 2018 W. Zwane
Table of contents Achievements NCMMA Objectives Activities NCMMA Structures Upcoming events Concerns/Challenges Thank You
Congratulations to the NC 365 days Fatal Free!!!
What is NCMMA?
The Objects Of the Association To promote the general advancement of mining and encourage the transfer of mining related knowledge and practice amongst members; To uphold the status of the mining profession by sharing of best practices to add value to the member and to the business of mining; To protect the interests of members and effect mutual assistance amongst its members by providing a structure for members to interact with each other, and with major industry stakeholders. Participating in numerous industry forums and influencing direction/policy regarding health and safety and legislation. To encourage and promote the study of mining.
NCMMA Structures Sub-Committees Work Streams Executive – meets monthly SHE – meets monthly Security – meets monthly HR, Engineering, Rock Engineering – meets quarterly Work Streams Wellness Capacity Building Contractor TMM
The 2017 Journey Hosted the Launch of the MOSH Traffic Management Leading Practice. A few mines have signed as Adoption Mines Hosted the MOSH Noise Learning Hub. Launch of the IBMQI (Industry-wide Buy and Maintain Quiet Initiative). The 2024 Milestones. Hosted the MOSH Dust Leading Practice – Continuous Real-time Monitoring of Airborne Pollutants – Engineering Control (Removing the Human Error). Hosted DMR Statistics (National) presenting the new DMR 128 form, replacing the DME 121 form, for statistical returns. Improve and Strengthened relations with DMR (NC Region). Assisting and constituting of the NC Blasting Examination Board (Managers & Miners).
The 2017 Journey Provincial and Local Government relations: Hosted DoL (Dept. of Labour) – the launch of the new employment portal. Participating in the NC HRD Council (hosted by Premier S Lucas). Leading Practices: Afrox presentation on safe use of gas and cylinders– SHE committee Interwaste – oversize tyre disposal – SHE committee Collaborations: AMMSA – Associations of Mine Managers. MineSafe & Industry Day (Organized by SAIMM, AMMSA, SACMA, MMMA, supported by COM and MHSC).
Events For 2017 Past SHE Tour – (9 -12 August). Mine Safe Day (29 - 30 August). Industry Day – 1st September 2017. NC SHE Day: - Saturday 21st October 2017. NCMMA Year End Function – 25 November 2017.
SHE DAY Awards
Concerns / Challenges Increased Community Unrests. Demand - Jobs (due to High Youth Unemployment). Transport. Land Claims Increased Armed Robberies, theft of copper. Drug abuse – in most areas. Commodity Prices.
Projects Ongoing/Upcoming Collaborations: DMR – NC & National AMMSA – Associations of Mine Managers. Chamber of Mines - MOSH Mine Health and Safety Council – on RTF (Regional Tripartite Forum) SAPS – in combating crime. Assist in Coordination of the Kathu Road Project: Rehabilitation of the R380 Road (42 Km). Provincial Government. Hosted DoL (Dept. of Labour) – the launch of the new employment portal. Participating in the NC HRD Council (hosted by Premier S Lucas). Reduction of Explosives Incidents: Work in liaison with AEL, Sasol, BME.
Projects Ongoing/Upcoming Sub-Committees Executive – meets monthly SHE – meets monthly Security – meets monthly HR, Engineering, Rock Engineering – meets quarterly Engineering Subcommittee Newly Revised and Promulgated Chapter 8 (MHSA): CAS (Collision Avoidance Systems) – PDS & VDS New Subcommittee Occupational Hygiene Fires on TMM’s. Ergonomics. Illumination, General Hygiene (Dust Control, Etc).
FOCUS Collaborations: TMM DMR – NC & National AMMSA – Associations of Mine Managers. Chamber of Mines - MOSH Mine Health and Safety Council – on RTF (Regional Tripartite Forum) SAPS – in combating crime. TMM Continue to work with OEM’s on the newly Revised and Promulgated Chapter 8 (MHSA): CAS (Collision Avoidance Systems) – PDS & VDS Retardation & Automated Stoppage of TMM’s. Fires on Surface TMM’s Runaway Vehicles
FOCUS Occupational Hygiene & Medical: Reporting – both DMR and Chamber. Increase Participation on programmes such as Masoyise. Reduction of Explosives Incidents: Work in liaison with AEL, Sasol, BME.
To be Investigated: Standardisation of Training: Smaller Operations cannot afford fully-fledged training centre.
Thank You