WINS AND LEARNINGS What were your successes this week? Did you have any learning opportunities? Did you minimize your exposure to toxins? Did anyone try a cleanse?
BMI (BASICALLY MISLEADING INFORMATION) BMI lump all body mass together. That’s why we focus on body composition instead of BMI in IN.FORM. 32
PROTEIN. IT’S WHAT’S FOR BREAKFAST, LUNCH, AND DINNER The body needs protein within 20 minutes – 1 hour of waking. We need protein at each meal, but especially at breakfast due to overnight fasting. 32
THE MANY PROS OF PROTEIN Protein is the major functional and structural component of all the cells in the body. Provides satiety (feeling of fullness) Aides in thermogenesis (increased burning of calories) 33
PROTEIN-RICH DIETS CAN HELP PREVENT: Type 2 diabetes Osteoporosis Muscle loss Heart disease 33
MUSCLE TISSUE – USE IT OR LOSE IT Imagine you weighed 150 lbs. at age 30 At age 60, you still weigh the same, but have lost 15% of bone mass and 15% of muscle mass. Why don’t your clothes fit well? You’ve gained 20 pounds of fat! 35
LOW PROTEIN + LOW EXERCISE = SARCOPENIA Sarcopenia is the loss of muscle mass as we age that sets in about age 45. If you don’t exercise, you can expect to lose about 1% of your muscle mass each year. 35
GET YOUR FIGURE BACK (BY LOWERING BAD BACTERIA) An obese person’s microbiome favors bad bacteria while a learner person’s favors good. A high-fat, high-sugar diet can lead to higher proportions of bad bacteria. So, how do we raise good bacteria and lower bad bacteria? WE EAT MORE PROTEIN! 36
METABOLIC AGE SUPPORT SHAKES Contains 20 grams of protein Helps promote muscle recovery after exercise and enhances the build up of lean muscle mass. 37
HOMEWORK Read Module 4 Consume 5 servings of protein each day (3 meals, 2 snacks) Step up your daily physical activity level 38
EXERCISE TIP: When walking, pick up the pace from leisurely to brisk. 38
Repair Your Heart Health UP NEXT WEEK: Repair Your Heart Health