ABB SACE Maintenance Preventive & Predictive Maintenance Feb 2013 ABB SACE Maintenance Preventive & Predictive Maintenance
Maintenace Agenda Aim Mind-Changing Why maintaining Miths and Facts Estimated lifetime ABB SACE Maintenance portfolio: Maintenance with ABB SACE: Benefits Offer: Preventive Maintenance – PMP Predictive Maintenance -LEAP
‘’Any maintenace activity is a cost’’ Maintenace theory Aim: Mind-changing ‘’Any maintenace activity is a cost’’ The customer has to understand that performing a correct and periodic maintenance is essential to: - Reduce the total managing costs - Use the resources according to needs - Standard, directives and laws
Maintenace Theory Myths & Facts FALSE FALSE FALSE Common Myths Circuit-breakers are maintenance free Circuit-breakers Preventive Maintenance is just dusting down The circuit-breaker is always in closed position so it doesn’t require any maintenance Proven Facts Circuit-breakers are protecting devices: periodical check on functionality and maintenance are required to guarantee the original performance level Circuit-breakers Preventive Maintenance consists in checking the integrity of all the electrical and mechanical components to limit aging on components and prevent faults All the mechanical and electrical components need maintenance (as lubrication) in particular in harsh environments. FALSE FALSE FALSE
Maintenace Theory Why maintaining Direct Costs Indirect/induced Costs: Indirect costs Direct Costs Maintenance: personnel, materials Indirect/induced Costs: Higher risk in Health & Safety Reduction of products lifetime Management of urgency Poor quality Energy consumption Environmental impact Resource availabilities Inefficiency in personnel Insurance policies Production Losses Losses in market share
BUT Maintenace Theory Estimated lifetime Based on ABB experience, it is possible to define average component lifetimes BUT a SITE SURVEY is always recommended. It is performed by a circuit breaker specialist, who inspects the products, on-site spares, environment, fault history, etc... The result of a site survey is a proposal of short and long term maintenance actions
ABB SACE Maintenance Portfolio Maintenance with ABB - benefits ABB technicians are skilled and properly trained: Before operating on the field spend at least 1 year in the production line Regular courses to be updated on new products By turns work in the internal assembly line for repair Original Spare Parts Right tools Continuous communication between R&D/ Quality dep. and Service Knowledge on CB updates (modification for improvements) Why choosing ABB: Specialistic maintenance
ABB SACE Maintenance Portfolio ABB SACE offer (in accordance with EN 13306:2010) Before a failure Maintenance After a failure Preventive Corrective Predetermined Urgent Maintenance: Aimed at bringing back the element in the status in which it could carry out the required function Deferred Maintenance: At predetermined intervals of time or on the base of prescribed criteria aimed at reducing the probability of failure or the working deterioration of the element Predetermined Maintenance is a preventive maintenance carried out in accordance with established intervals of time or number of units of use but without previous condition investigation Conditioned-based maintenance is a combination of condition monitoring and/or inspection and/or testing, analysis and the ensuing maintenance actions Predictive Maintenance is carried out following a forecast derived from repeated analysis or known characteristics and evaluation of the significant parameters of the degradation of the item Conditioned- based Urgent Deferred Predictive Scheduled
ABB SACE Maintenance Portfolio Preventive maintenance Before a failure Preventive Maintenance Predetermined Maintenance Conditioned-based Maintenance Scheduled Maintenance Predictive Maintenance LEAP+PMP PMP
ABB SACE Maintenance Portfolio Preventive and Scheduled Maintenance - PMP Reduce the risk of failure and working deterioration of the low voltage circuit-breakers installed in the plant It is structured in a cycle of three maintenance interventions: 1st-2nd intervention: Ordinary Maintenance Maintaining the original integrity of the product: Maintaining or restoring the efficiency of the products Containing the normal deterioration of use Guaranteeing the useful life of the product Facing accidental events 3rd intervention: Extraordinary maintenance Extend the useful life and/or improve: efficiency reliability productivity facility of maintenance and inspection All interventions are carried out by chief skilled technicians 1st-2nd intervention: ordinary maintenance in order to maintain the conservation state obtained with the previous intervention and to contain the wearing trend of the apparatus: 3rd intervention: extraordinary maintenance in order to control the condition of the apparatus and re-establish, as much as possible, the original state;
Extraordinary Maintenance ABB SACE Maintenance Portfolio Preventive and Scheduled Maintenance for Emax Ordinary Maintenance Extraordinary Maintenance Provides systematic and functional means of maintaining a specific breaker Each ABB ACB series has its own schedule which is based on years of experience and knowledge of manufacturing and maintaining circuit breakers
ABB SACE Maintenance Portfolio Predictive maintenance: LEAP A system to optimize the efficiency of a New Emax CB with a periodical analysis of the aging level: Monitoring of the health of the assets by means of data acquisitions Recommendation of the required maintenance activities LEAP implements predictive maintenance algorithms LEAP is integrated in FSM (Field Service Manager) for Service activities planning tool © ABB Group September 17, 2018 | Slide 17
ABB SACE Maintenance Portfolio Predictive maintenance: LEAP LEAP is a condition based and predictive maintenance based on: Inspection Monitoring on location and acquiring the normal operational parameters of the system Maintenance List of maintenance activities performed by the filed service engeneer: components substituted, cleaning, checks, test,… Analysis Studing and processing of the data gathered in the field, and establishing trend diagrams concerning efficiency and wear of the system that is monitored Report Generation of a detailed report that sums up the condition of the system inspected and the possible critical conditions © ABB Group September 17, 2018 | Slide 18
ABB SACE Maintenance Portfolio Predictive maintenance: LEAP Offers LEAP Easy AUDIT LEAP AUDIT LEAP STAND ALONE LEAP + PMP
ABB SACE Maintenance Portfolio Predictive maintenance: LEAP Offers ABB Field Service Eng./ ABB certified partners LEAP + PMP ABB Personel LEAP STAND ALONE Customer LEAP AUDIT LEAP EASY AUDIT LEAP OFFERS Free Statistics √ Real Data Maintenance Multiple years Agreement
ABB SACE Maintenance Portfolio LEAP Easy AUDIT (web) 1. User: Customer 2. Frequency: once for S/N / Customer 3. ACCESS: Registration in ABB website Login & Password WEB Leap access 4. Limited Input data: CB S/N, Application segment, Mech operations number, Enviromental conditions 5. Maintenance: NO 6. Limited Report: - CBs factory data - Theoric CB life status 7. Free of charge
ABB SACE Maintenance Portfolio LEAP AUDIT 1. User: Service Promoters 2. Frequency: once for S/N / Customer 3. ACCESS: Registration in ABB website Login & Password Leap access 4. Limited Input data: Manual data Automatic data from the TU 5. Maintenance: NO 6. Limited Report: - CBs factory data - Real CB life status 7. Free of charge
ABB SACE Maintenance Portfolio LEAP Stand Alone 1. User: ABB service technicians/ partners 2. Frequency: on demand 3. Data input: full set: Automatic data acquisition from the TU (PR12x) Manual Data acquisition: environmental, application, working conditions maintenance carried out 4. Report and Analysis: complete LEAP Report on selected CBs with maintenance Limited LEAP report on remaining CBs without maintenance =
ABB SACE Maintenance Portfolio LEAP + PMP 1. User: ABB service technicians/ partners 2. Frequency: PMP contracts: Heavy 6 months; Standard 12 months ; Light 18 months 3. Data input: full set: Automatic data acquisition from the TU (PR12x) Manual Data acquisition: environmental, application, working conditions maintenance carried out 4. Maintenance: YES according to the PMP program 5. Report: Complete with: life analysis of the CB suggested maintenance 6. Price: included into PMP
ABB SACE Maintenance Portfolio Architecture: LEAP + PMP USB Bluetooth or Ekip T&P LEAP CLIENT CUSTOMER TECHNICIAN LEAP SERVER ADMINISTRATOR Phase 2: Data Transfer and Elaboration Phase 1: Automatic and manual Data acquisition WEB Phase 3: Data Analysis Phase 4: Final report to Customer
ABB SACE Maintenance Portfolio LEAP: Data acquisition Automatic data acquisition Ekip Connect Software Directly from Trip Unit of ACB: CB type and relevant info Electrical / Mechanical operations Alarms / Trip History / Event logs Number of operations (Open/Close) Manual data acquisition LEAP Client Software Software for manual collection data Electrical Plant Info Enviromental data: Temperature range/ Moisture / Saltness/ Dust level/ Corrosive level/ Altitude Application data: Vibration/ Application/ Utilization/ Load Type/ Load Percentage
ABB SACE Maintenance Portfolio LEAP: Benefits Circuit breaker efficiency/reliability preservation Extention of the CB life Guaranteeing the plant & people safety Probability of unwanted shut-downs reduction Providing the best management of maintenance costs Direct costs: Direct maintenance : technicians, spare parts… Indirect costs: non-production, accident, failure, maintenace management, … Customer support during all product life phases ABB professional competence guaranted: Preventive, predictive and corrective maintenance to increase: performances, reliability, availability of circuit breakers and systems Detailed and objective diagnostic for each circuit breaker Dedicated tool based on an ABB certified and unique algorithm
ABB SACE Maintenance Portfolio Summary Maintenance management maximizes the value of circuit breakers and customers investments. All the circuit breakers have aging and wearing in components: a proper preventive maintenance is required Maintenance schedule specifies the recommended maintenance actions for preventive maintenance LEAP Predictive maintenance: detailed analysis of the CB aging definition of specific actions to be performed estimation of the residual life od the product.