Mammals: giant panda By Taylah Rice :3
SO, YOU WANNA HAVE A PANDA; (DISCLAIMER) (1) Panda’s are endangered so I doubt you can have a pet panda.. D: (2) This is made for informational purposes only; So please don’t sue me. (3) I wasn’t paid nor forced to do this. This was made from my own free will. So don’t sue Mrs. Graham either. (4) I own nothing that is used in this slide,(I don’t even own the keyboard) credit to original owners. Also; Be prepared to cringe from my bad jokes I may add. But seriously, please don’t sue me.
SO YOU WANNA HAVE A PANDA? ^.^ The Giant Panda (also known as Black and white cat-foot, Big Bear Cat, Panda, or Panda Bear) is commonly and native known in South Central China, as that is where they came from. A giant panda has no meaning, it’s scientific name is Ailuropoda melanoleuca. According to ‘Panda’ can be a boys’ name.
STEP 2: KNOW IT’S APPEARANCE Evidence: panda/characteristics.htm -- Five fingers and a thumb Shoulder height 54-81cm Body length 120-180cm Tail length 10-20cm Strong Teeth and Cat like pupils Hip height: 52-77cm Chest girth 70-106cm
STEP 3: KNOW IT’S LOCOMOTION Evidence tion.html -- Giant Pandas’ have a rolling gait. They also have flat feet –like us- hairs on their feet traction and reduce heat loss on ice and snow. Believe it or not, Pandas’ can climb trees really well. (Using short claws as the site said,) This is important for survival so they can escape from animals that can’t climb and for weather changes
STEP 4: KNOW WHAT TO FEED YOUR PANDA Pandas’ eat from 26 to 84 pounds per day. Studies have shown that Pandas’ may in fact eat away to extinction, The way they eat their meals is simply by picking bamboo up with their claws and taking a huge bite out of it. //I could not find where the Panda is in a food chain; Only in a picture// Evidence: ed_species/giant_panda/panda/what_do_pan das_they_eat/ la-sci-sn-giant-panda-bamboo-meat- 20150519-story.html
Step 5: how to make your panda feel at home Giant Pandas’ are mostly found in China’s Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu provinces.[1] Although they live in Central China They live in the Temperate Broadleaf Deciduous Forests, Tropical Broadleaf Evergreen, and the Bamboo Forests. They are also endangered; (As stated in my disclaimer) [1]-a principal administrative division of certain countries or empires. "Chengdu, capital of Sichuan province"
Step 6: know the obvious adaptations Their structural adaptations are body coverings and body fur. The Giant Panda has a “sixth toe” that enables it to eat bamboo and pull roots from the ground. The Giant Panda also has strong jaw muscles that enable it to chew the tough bamboo plant. Giant Pandas also have strong leg muscles so they can escape predators by climbing up trees. Evidence l-adaptations.html
STEP 7: BEHAVIOR ADAPTATIONS Every year the giant panda migrates down the mountain to stay warm during winter. When threatened, a Giant Panda will bow its head and growl to ward of predators. A Giant Panda communicates by honks snorts and whistles. Mothers will play with their cubs to enhance their survival skills. Evidence- havioral-adaptations.html
Shocking news: pandas’ are deadly, and cute! :3 Giant pandas are peaceful animals, which will usually avoid confrontation, but if escape is not possible at the moment, they will fight back. As cuddly (and Cute >///<) as they may look, pandas can protect themselves as well as most other bears by using their physical strength, and powerful jaws and teeth. And while their large molar teeth and strong jaw muscles are designed for crushing bamboo, they can deliver a very nasty bite. Step:8 So, don’t upset them or steal their bamboo..
Interesting facts to impress your parents :d Giant pandas are on the brink of extinction, with just over 1,000 pandas left in the world. The most significant threats to pandas are habitat loss and poaching. Many Chinese philosophers believe that the universe is made from two opposing forces, the Yin and Yang. The panda is one symbol of this theory with its contrasting black-and- white fur. The Chinese believe that the gentle nature of the panda demonstrates how the Yin and Yang bring peace and harmony when they are balanced. Evidence? My mom and her phone