My Budget Project Personal Finance Period:_____ Your Name My Budget Project Personal Finance Period:_____ 9/17/2018
Based on wages/salary My Income- $ Job Title: Based on wages/salary 9/17/2018
Salary Job Title Salary is your annual income Weekly Wage: $_____/hour x ___ hours/week = $______ Monthly Wage: Weekly Wage $_______ x 4 =$_________ Annual Salary: Monthly Wage $______ x 12 =$_________ Annual Income: $___________________ 9/17/2018
Other income Use second salary slide only if needed for other incomes. 9/17/2018
Find a place to live for $1,200 /month or less. Download Photo of Home Expenses: Find a place to live for $1,200 /month or less. Download Photo of Home 9/17/2018
Photo of Home 9/17/2018
Expenses: b.) TV/Internet My monthly TV/Internet Expense is : ____________________ 9/17/2018
Cell Phone Bill c.) Telus, Rogers, Bell… My cell phone Monthly Expense is: __________________ 9/17/2018
d.) Groceries I do the majority of my food shopping at Select from: Wal-Mart, Save-On Foods, Superstore, Quality Foods, Thrifty Foods Estimate how much you would spend on buying food/groceries $____________ 9/17/2018
e.) Entertainment (Movies, Concerts, DVD) f.) Clothing How many and how much do you spend on Entertainment and Clothing My monthly expense for going to the movies, concerts DVD’S or games is: ____________________ I do my clothing at {Name of Store(s)} and I spend about $_____________________________ a month. 9/17/2018
g.) Utilities – BC Hydro, Natural Gas My monthly electric bill is:_______________ Kwh used per month is:_________________ My monthly gas bill is: __________________ Amount of gas I use per month: __________________ 9/17/2018
h.) Vehicle/Transportation Include an estimate for gasoline, car insurance, car maintenance. Estimated cost to fuel up per month $___________ Monthly Auto Insurance Cost $___________ Estimate how much money to put away per month for car maintenance $__________ Total Transportation Budget: $_______________________________________ 9/17/2018
Transportation Insert Photo of used car 9/17/2018
Health & Personal Care Budget Monthly Health Care expenses Dental Costs:___________________ Gym Membership Costs:_________________ Other Personal Care expenses Costs: ________________ 9/17/2018
Insert Photo, Video, Clip Art Gym, Workout 9/17/2018
Gifts/Donations Budget monies per month for: FAMILY EVENTS Birthdays:____________ Personal Relationships:___________ Gifts or donations to Organizations, Food Bank, etc. ____________________ 9/17/2018
Savings Using Gail Vaz-Oxlade’s Life Pie, you want to save 10% of your income Your Monthly Wage: $________ x 10% = $__________ 9/17/2018
My Monthly Summary My monthly income is: __________________ My monthly expenses including savings is: ___________________________________ So monthly I am Saving {In the Black} (How Much money do you have left over?) ___________________________ OR So monthly, I am in the negative (RED) how much a month: __________________________________ 9/17/2018
Write-up State what you learned doing this project. 3 things that you learned. 2 things that surprised you. 1 thing that you will start to watch out for in your life. 9/17/2018