Getting to know my hawk time group ICE Breaker Getting to know my hawk time group
Prep Create four squares In the student’s spiral notebook or a loose leaf piece of paper create 4 squares by folding and the outlining the folds. Model how this should look. Many students may need a visual. You need to also be completing the tasks that the students are doing.
5 words to describe me are… Describing words are called adjectives. Be sure that you are also completing this task.
Share Find another person in the room and share the words you chose to describe yourself. Walk around and share with a student. You are part of this homeroom/advisory/hawk time
4 of my favorite foods are…
Share Find a different person to share your four favorite foods
3 of my favorite things to do are…
Share Find third different person and share what things you like to do
2 things I couldn’t live without are…
share Find a fourth person that you have not shared with yet and share out what you cannot live without
1 thing I am looking forward to this year is…
Share whole group As a class we are going to take turns sharing with the whole group what it is we are looking forward to this year. Take turns going around the room allowing each person to speak. Praise those for good listening and eye contact.