Jennifer Rengert Member and Sales Coordinator, Fifth Season Cooperative
What is Fifth Season Cooperative? Established in 2010, Fifth Season was the first multi-stake cooperative in Wisconsin made up of 6 member levels that encompasses all areas of local food infrastructure. Producers Producer groups Processors Distributors Buyers Workers
What do we do? We are a cooperative that addresses all aspects of the local foods infrastructure and create connections to allow all members to succeed and grow. Producers, producer groups, processors, distributors, buyers, and workers sit at the same table and make cooperative decisions that are best for the community, the environment, and regional consumers.
We are a cooperative that works to bring wholesome, sustainable foods into the existing food system, priced so that all members can thrive, while maintaining product quality and identity.
We are a cooperative which works to provide regional food access. All products are produced or processed within a 150 mile radius of Viroqua, Wisconsin. Fifth Season serves customers from the center of the Driftless Region throughout the Seven Rivers Region which includes: Southwest Wisconsin Southeast Minnesota Northeast Iowa Northwest Illinois
Our focus is making buying local easier for all. . . . Provide distribution through companies working with institutions and other customers. Ensure fair pricing through cooperative agreements as food moves within the system, allowing institutions to purchase comfortably. Assist institutions to incorporate methods which can reduce over-all budget expenditures, re-aligning budgets to include local and organic foods. Offer institutions a place at the cooperative table. Give customers the tools to promote local foods and educate their community.
What are the biggest challenges in the Local Food System? There are many different hurdles to overcome on a daily basis, but there are 3 main recurring issues that we have found to be the most challenging. PRICING LOGISTICS COMMUNICATION
PRICING How do you find the pricing that works for everyone? Having discussions with all members involved to ensure that the end pricing works. Producers Following markets to see how product pricing is trending and what is fair market value for products. Discuss what their cost is to produce and package their product and see how it compares to other similar products in pricing, etc. Buyers Discuss their needs and what their budgets can allow. Receive and share feedback on products/pricing with both distributors and producers to find if there are ways to make purchasing locally more affordable.
LOGISTICS How do you find the most efficient and cost effective way to get local food where it needs to go and when? Communication with distributors is key! Consistent availability and other updates on products Which delivery and transportation works best? Backhaul schedules with the distributors? Direct delivery by the producer to the distributor? Finding order and lead times that will work for the end customers, as well as the producers and distributors.
COMMUNICATION How do you best communicate with all of the players in the local food system effectively? Have open, two-way communication between all members. People need to feel comfortable and confident in their communication at all levels. Consistent communication is essential.
1201 N. Main Street Suite 9 Viroqua, WI 54665