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On your whiteboard: Define these terms: Ethical theory Deontology Hedonism Teleology Principle of Utility Jeremy Bentham (what did he say?) Robert Nozick (what did he say?) Hedonic Calculus Act Utilitarianism
Recap: what is utilitarianism? Video
Task selector (choose wisely!) If you can’t remember the key points: Go through your notes from June and take notes on the key terms and their definitions. Then learn them and test yourself. Create your own flashcards of key terms and their definitions. Use them to learn them, then test yourself. With a partner, use your notes from June to quiz each other. Jot down on your whiteboard anything you get wrong, then look it up and learn it If you can remember the key points, but not the evaluative stuff: Create a diagram to show how a utilitarian makes moral decisions Read through your notes on the strengths and weaknesses of utilitarianism and make a full-sheet table of them How effective is utilitarianism as a way of making moral decisions? Use your notes to help you write a conclusion, considering arguments on both sides If you can remember everything: Create an A3 mindmap of everything we’ve done on utilitarianism: key points, details and evaluation From memory, create a table of utilitarianism’s strengths and weaknesses. Then add some of your own Write the transcript of a debate between Bentham and an opponent, discussing how effective his theory is for making moral decisions
On your paper: Quiz time! Write down 5 questions about utilitarianism and their answers. They should be worded so that the answers are one or two words, and there can only be one answer. Try to think of questions that not everyone else will. Quiz time!
I am loving A2 Philosophy right now! homework Prepare for a short-answer test on Bentham’s Act Utilitarianism I am loving A2 Philosophy right now! Yay- a test!