Exchange Opening Statements with your Partner Compare the opening statement with your notes. How can your partner make their hook stronger?
Thesis Statement Review Read over the comments I left on your thesis. Ask yourself how you can take my feedback into consideration to make your thesis stronger. Take 5 minutes to rewrite your thesis. When you and your partner are finished, exchange papers with your partner, and compare their thesis with your notes from yesterday.
GENERAL FORMAT Paper must be typed on standard white paper. Text of paper must be double-spaced, including the heading. Margins are set at 1 inch for left, right, top, and bottom (older versions of Microsoft Word will set the margins at 1.25 inches for left and right – go in and reset manually). There must be a header on the right side that has the writer’s last name and the page number.
HEADING AND TITLE Drew 1 Stephen Drew Ms. Organa ENG 102 30 October 2011 Edgar Allen Poe’s Manipulations in “The Cask of Amontillado” and “The Tell-Tale Heart” Edgar Allen Poe is renowned for his spooky tales and haunting plotlines. One of the reasons that his stories work so well is the manner in which Poe layers manipulation into his tales. Throughout his works, including “The
IN-TEXT CITATIONS MLA uses parenthetical citation (information about the source inside parentheses). Work the citation into a sentence that contains some of your own words. Quotations should be integrated, not just dropped into the paper. Example: Romantic poetry is characterized by the “spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings” (Wordsworth 263). Note that the period is inserted AFTER the last parenthesis, not after the quotation mark.
Which MLA in-text citation is handled correctly? A)“It took 20 years for the law to take effect” (Kaiser “What Happened to Justice?” 105). B)“It took 20 years for the law to take effect” (Kaiser 105).
Which MLA in-text citation is handled correctly? A) According to Herman Jenkins, 67% of the workers only put forth half of their effort (Jenkins 4). B) According to Herman Jenkins, 67% of the workers only put forth half of their effort (4).
Which MLA in-text citation is handled correctly? A) In an interview with Clarke Rose, he divulged the reasoning behind his defection to America (Rose, 22). B) In an interview with Clarke Rose, he divulged the reasoning behind his defection to America. (Rose 22)
What should a work cited look like?
BASIC RULES Begin your Works Cited page on a separate page at the end of your research paper. It should have the same one-inch margins and last name, page number header as the rest of your paper. Label the page Works Cited (do not italicize the words Works Cited or put them in quotation marks) and center the words Works Cited at the top of the page.
BASIC RULES CONTINUED… Double space all citations, but do not skip spaces between entries. Indent the second and subsequent lines of citations by 0.5 inches to create a hanging indent. Hitting the tab button is sufficient as well.
LISTING AUTHOR NAMES Entries are listed alphabetically by the author's last name (or, for entire edited collections, editor names). Author names are written last name first; middle names or middle initials follow the first name: Burke, Kenneth Levy, David M. Wallace, David Foster
WORK WITH NO KNOWN AUTHOR Alphabetize works with no known author by their title; use a shortened version of the title in the parenthetical citations in your paper. In this case, Boring Postcards USA has no known author: Baudrillard, Jean. Simulacra and Simulations. [...] Boring Postcards USA. [...] Burke, Kenneth. A Rhetoric of Motives. [...]
GENERAL FORMAT FOR BOOKS Below is the general format for any book citation: Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. Publisher, Publication Date.
FORMAT FOR TEXTBOOK Author’s Last Name, First Name. Play Title. Prentice Hall Literature: Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes. The American Experience. New Jersey: Pearson Education, 2002. Page Number Start-Page Number End. Print.
GENERAL FORMAT FOR WEB SOURCES Below is the general format for any online citation: Last name, First name. “Title of Source.” Name of Institution publishing the source. Date source was published. Web. Date you viewed source on the web.
EXAMPLES "Athlete's Foot – Topic Overview." WebMD 25 Sept. 2014, Web. Accessed 15 Aug. 2016. Bernstein, Mark. "10 Tips on Writing the Living Web." A List Apart: For People Who Make Websites. 16 Aug. 2002, Web. Accessed 4 May 2009. Gleick, James. Chaos: Making a New Science. Penguin, 1987. Lundman, Susan. "How to Make Vegetarian Chili." eHow n.d., Web. Accessed 6 July 2015.
EXIT TICKET Fix the following Works Cited entry Adam Brady. “Ducks Continue Dominance at Home vs. Calgary, 3-1.” Accessed 6 April 2017. 4 April 2017.
EXIT TICKET Correct Formatting: Brady, Adam. “Ducks Continue Dominance at Home vs. Calgary, 3-1.” 4 April 2017. Web. Accessed 6 April 2017.