Discovering Cells Chapter 1.2
Cells:living things::Bricks:houses Analogy: Cells:living things::Bricks:houses
Discovery of Cells 1590- The microscope was invented. This led to the discovery of cells A microscope is an instrument that makes small objects look larger Simple microscope- 1 lens Ex. Hand lens Compound microscope- light microscope
Key Terms When Using a Microscope Magnification- enlarging something in appearance Convex lens- the lens used in microscopes to magnify images. A convex lens "bends" light by bringing it in one side at one angle and sending it out the other at a different angle. Resolution- the ability of a microscope to clearly distinguish the individual parts of an object. (the sharpness of an image) Example: Newspaper photo
Robert Hooke Robert Hooke is a scientist In 1663 he used a self-built compound microscope to look at a cork. Hooke thought the cork looked to be made up of numerous tiny rectangular rooms. He called these rooms cells (jail cell) He estimated 1 cubic inch of cork had 1.8 billion cells.
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek Scientist In 1660’s he built simple microscopes and looked at pond water. He observed one-celled organism that he called animalcules (an uh mal kyoolz) meaning ‘little animals.’ He also looked at scraping from teeth. He was the first to see what we now call bacteria
Matthias Schleiden & Theodor Schwann 1838- Schleiden concluded all plants are made up of cells. 1839- Schwann concluded all animals are made up of cells. They still did not understand cells or where they came from
Rudolf Virchow In 1855, Virchow proposed that all cells come from cells.
Cell Theory The cell theory was created based on obervations by Hook, Leeuwenhoek, Schleiden, Schwann, Virchow and others. Cell theory All living things are composed of cells Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in living things All cells are produced from other cells
Big Idea Questions What led to the discovery of cells? State cell theory.
Vocabulary Microscope Compound microscope Cell theory Magnification Convex lens resolution